
Short Story About Being Ready To Puke

Satisfactory Essays

Hello there,are you ready to puke ,to worry ,to be disgusted haha,well you came to the right place ,what i am about to tell you is most suggestfull you stay near a toilet or a trash can, READY, LET'S GO…...MUAHAHAHA!!!
One day not to far ago here in milan i was just a little five year old, i was at the soccer field , i had DIARRHEA and believe me i puked i ran to the porta potties , but i did not make it because there was someone there . I decided “whats the point “ and i went in my pants . i had smelled like fish and tacos . i had went to the bathroom by the car . My brothers were doing tricks there ,so i decided to forget about it and played with them.
I had thought that my brothers were pro and i had wanted to learn. I tried to step on the

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