
Short Essay On Attachment Theory

Satisfactory Essays

First of all, attachment theory is revealed in this movie. mentions that “” In addition, this theory have two aspects, dismissive and preoccupied. when I replace with summer and Tom, Summer reflects the dismissive model. Instead of that, Tom reflects the preoccupied model. Firsltly, the reasons why summer classified the dismissive style are her self-reliance, how she constantly downplays, and distance in relaitonship. In other words, her communicaitong styls classified as a low self-monitoring; although she has a self -confidentce like she attracts a lot of mens, she usualy avoide initimacy. Her characteristc is revead this phrase: “I don't feel comfortable being anyone's girlfriend, I don't actually feel comfortable being anyone's anything... I like being on my own, relationships are messy and people's feelings get hurt, who needs it?" As this sentece shows that, she does not need the initimacy. In addition, she likes flow communication. for instance, at the first time, she has a passion toward Tom, but in the end they break up beucase Summer relazied that Tom is one of the best frineds, not boyfriend. It is evid ent that she is …show more content…

It is clear that he tries to invest amd involve hin his relationship with summer. To,m gives a strong effor to pleaseinf summer which shows that he is like a self-monitor. In addition, he made a effort to adapt his communication style for summer and prioiritize her relaitonship with him over anyone else in his life. Thus, his dreams and future goals is influenced by Summer. For example, when he conffessed he tried to be a archtest reflected this characteristic because he never tried before to be a archtest. Thus, the power of the relaitonship is very obviouse here: summer has a superiority and dominace him. his needy behavior and above-and-beyond attention towards Summer makes him vulnerable. However at the same time it also puts a lot of pressure on Summer to

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