
Short Essay : A Short Story

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The feeling of adrenaline rushed through his veins, the pounding sound of his friends chanting for him do do it, “Send it! Send it! Send it!” rang in his ears. Jacob sat on the seat of his bike, contemplating his decision. He rode up to the kicker placed on the side of the bridge. It looked to be about a 15 foot drop to a long, steep trail. He was going do it. He backed his bike up, looked at the faces of his friends, eager to see something exciting. He started pedaling. The ramp approached quickly, and the dropped looked smaller than it did when he was scouting it out. He felt the smooth surface of the ramp as his bike glidded off of it. While in the air he felt invincible, nothing could touch him. He felt the smooth, cool air glide through his hair, and soon enough he felt the hard, brutal force of the trail he had landed on. He didn’t fall however, but kept on riding. Jacob was about three seconds into riding down the trail when he saw a large rock in the middle of the trail. He tried to swerve out of the way but the bike resisted. He squeezed the levers of his brakes for dear life, but it just wasn't enough. The next thing Jacob knew he was laying in an unfamiliar bed. An unfamiliar face stared down at him in curiosity “Boy what do you think exactly you were doing on that bridge! You could have died.” The inquiries seem to ring in Jacob’s ears. He examined the room, and say three bodies besides the man questioning him. One was Alex, the tall blond boy, and Noah, the brown haired shorter boy. Both Alex and Noah were in their teens. The other body was Jacob’s mother, who was sitting in the corner with her hands covering her mouth, a ghostly color plagued her face. The words “Jacob, are… are you okay sweetie?” Jacob, who had just about come to his senses replied “Yea, im okay.” “Well then, Jacob if you’re feeling fine then I think it’s time we talk about something.” intruded the man in the white coat standing over him. He introduced himself as Abdu, the doctor that would be taking care of Jacob throughout the next few days. The man explained that Jacob had suffered multiple injuries from his impact with the rock. This included a snapped Femur and Tibia, three broken ribs, and a broken Acromion in his left

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