
Short Analysis for "The Raven" and “What Troubled Poe’s Raven”

Decent Essays

“The Raven”

I feel the title suggests that the poem might entail a story about a raven. Ravens are often associated with death, due to their dark, eerie features, as well as with trickery, thus the title clues that the story will most likely be shadier. The speaker of the poem is a man who is troubled by the memories of his lost love, Lenore, and of his impending death. “And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted—nevermore!” (106, 107) indicates the speaker knows he has the possibility of dying soon. The line, “Quaff, oh quaff this kind repenthe and forget this lost Lenore!” (81), shows that the speaker is having great difficulty letting go of Lenore and may be even guilty over her death- as he is …show more content…

He carries on asking if the dark forces will “clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore”, but the Raven replies, as always, “Nevermore”—meaning he will be separate from his love in the afterlife. The understanding developed in the poem is not particularly important, in my opinion, as it is not necessarily experienced in the same sadness, as the speaker of the poem understands. Nonetheless, the overall thought of the poem is very deep. The author pulls an idea that people wouldn’t generally consider and uses many layers of thought to create intricate meaning and profundity. Being that my own father passed away a few years ago, I understand how elements of the physical world can provoke unwanted thoughts. The poem encourages its reader to see the world from his point of view. He deeply explains how thoughts can be prompted because of something in your atmosphere—it forces readers to think about their own circumstances and reflect on their surroundings. “The Raven” is a complex piece of literature that leaves its readers with a new sense of reality.

“What Troubled Poe’s Raven”

The title of this poem, “What Troubled Poe’s Raven”, hints on its meaning due to—what appears to be—mild sarcasm over the poem, “The Raven”, written by Edgar Allan Poe. In “The Raven”, the Raven is a creature of death that tormented the soul of the speaker, yet the title of this poem calls the creature “Poe’s Raven” –even though Poe’s character hated the Raven. Knowing that, you

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