
Shooting An Elephant Response Essay

Decent Essays

In life, you base a lot of your decisions on what others will think about you. Just like in the essay from George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant” he makes a decision off of what people will think about him. In the essay Orwell is faced with a decision, to kill an elephant after a rampage through his town, or to let him live. After being peer pressured by the Burman people Orwell shot and killed the elephant. Even though he really did not want too. I can think of three times peer pressure got the best of me, once when I got caught stealing at Walmart, another when I got suspended from middle school, and lastly when I lost my best friend. All of these events were from peer pressure, keep reading to see what happened. This world can be a crazy place, especially when you have a group of friends you want to impress. I tried to impress my friends when we were at Walmart awhile back by stealing. Every time we would go there, my friends would always take something and never get caught. I would always be to scared to steal, and they would always make fun of me. To make it worse, I would have to watch them enjoy their …show more content…

Since elementary school me and my old best friend would hangout every day and talk nonstop. She was my rock, the one who could help me out in any situation. Until I decided to take the blame off of another friend and blame it on her. I blamed her of stealing my mother’s money when it really wasn’t her it was another friend. I just thought that my mother knew her so well that she would forgive her easily. Boy was I wrong, ever since that day I haven’t talked to her. Even when I tried to she would just ignore me. I know that I was wrong for what I did. Ever since that day I lost my best friend and I learned a life lesson. I will never give into peer pressure again, I will always make my own choices in life and hopefully I’ll have better luck this

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