Prior to reading the article I had an idea of what shingles was, and heard some information regarding the epidemic of shingles, but never knew exactly what it was. While reading the article I discovered that shingles is a viral infection caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, which is actually the same virus that produces chickenpox that produces a painful skin rash within the host. Since shingles is a part of the herpes family it usually appears as a strip of blisters anywhere on the body. Another interesting fact that I came across within the article, was that a host with shingles is able to provide direct transmission of the chickenpox’s with the help of an open rash or sore. Naturally you would expect the person to automatically
This article addresses Shingles also known as herpes zoster which originates from the virus that also causes chicken pox. The burden of this disease is that it causes severe pain and rash with a blistering. According to this article there is an increased risk of a stroke or heart attack within the first week of your diagnosis.
Shingles is a virus that causes a tender rash located anywhere on the body. The torso and face are common areas for shingles to occur, and usually appears just as a strip of blisters. The shingles virus can affect anybody, but is more likely to occur in adults. Varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, can lead to shingles. Once someone has had chickenpox, it remains in the body located in nerve tissue close to the spinal cord. After a number of years, it can reappear as the shingles virus. The virus remains in the body and can flare up at different times, but some people never experience the return of this virus. It is not possible to get shingles if one has never been exposed to chickenpox.
Shingles is a virial infection that causes a band or strip like rash to appear on the skin that looks like a cluster of blisters in a small area that is painful also called herpes zoster. When it appears it can affect either side of the torso and the face near the eye which can cause serious permanent damage to your vision. This rash can last about 2 to 4 of weeks, when the healing process begins it forms
Shingles is caused by a reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, or VZV—the same virus that causes chickenpox. After recovery from chickenpox, some VZV particles can settle in nerve cells where they remain inactive or hidden for many years. They can be reactivated during adulthood, and spread down the long the nerve fibers, called axons, that extend from the sensory cell bodies to the skin. The mechanism of how the virus is reactivated is unknown, however, it is related to old age and weak immune system. As the matter of fact, shingles is more common in older
My patient is a patient that is leaving the E.R. after being diagnosed with the shingles virus. The patient came into the E.R. with a rash on the right side of the trunk. The rash presented as clear blisters and was painful to the touch. The physician diagnosed the patient with
There are different kind of people who have the most vulnerable to shingles disease. The first kind of people who can get the Shingles are people that got chickenpox disease. For example children that got chickenpox maybe they get also shingles when they get older. The second kind is the people who direct connect with the rash because the virus cannot be transmitted to the people by the air. However, Herpes zoster is very common, especially in older people such as people between 50 to 60 years old.
Grown-ups with shingles may transmit the infection to kids and reason chickenpox. Amid the inert stage, the infection dwells in the dorsal root spinal ganglion or the cranial nerve ganglion. On reactivation, the infection spreads from the ganglia along tangible nerves to fringe nerves of the tactile dermatomes. Assaults of shingles produce cutaneous injuries that take after varicella. In shingles, on the other hand, the ejections are constrained to one or more tangible dermatomes, and the vesicles or bullae may be few. Shingles is difficult, particularly in more established individuals, rather than the effortless vesicles of kids with chickenpox. In the long run the scales over the vesicles quagmire, and indications transmit until another
Varicella (chicken pox) and Herpes Zoster (shingles) are pathologies that in a sense go hand in hand; you can't contract shingles until you have had Chicken pox. Anyone who has had chicken pox is not guarantee to get shingles but is at risk as shingles is a painful localized recurrence of the skin rash, it could reactivate or remain dormant.
| It's a very contagious infection.The chickenpox virus is spread in the same ways as colds as flu.
If you have had chickenpox during your childhood, it is sure that the virus has stayed in your system for numerous of years. But the virus has then been reactivated in later life, and that’s what causes the skin disease called “Shingles,” to develop. As well as chickenpox, there are other diseases which weakens our immune system. For example, HIV and/or AIDS can also cause Shingles to develop. Shingles is not considered a life threatening virus, but can become quite painful. Shingles is an extraordinarily painful condition that involves inflammation of sensory nerves.
Shingles are more likely to show up in adults who have had the chickenpox in their childhood. The shingles are caused by a viral infection known as the varicella-zoster virus. This virus is part of a group of viruses called herpes viruses (herpes zoster). Although shingles is part of this group, it is not the same in that it is not a virus that is responsible for sexually transmitted diseases. Shingles can be very painful and cause many types of infections, but it is not life-threatening and it is treatable.
Although, the study couldn’t prove a “cause-and-effect relationship between asthma and shingles”(Dallas), researchers hypothesized that asthma’s effect on the risk of infection or immune system problems may be the link between the two conditions. This is just a hypothesis though. Researchers may have found another explanation for the link between the two conditions. They
Shingles, herpes zoster, is a very contagious and painful rash, or blister that appears on the skin. These rashes most commonly appear on the sides of the body in stripes. The stripes are made up of many very painful blisters caused by a certain type of virus. The varicella zoster, most commonly known as the chicken pox virus attacks the nerve roots in that area. The herpes zoster virus is in the herpes family, including HSV, herpes simple virus, which causes cold sores, fever blisters, and genital herpes. (WebMD, 2011) Most people are required to get the chicken pox shot when they are children although some do not. The chicken pox shot helps to keep out the virus by keeping it dormant in the nerves. The varicella zoster virus stays in a
The Varicella-Zoster virus causes a very infectious disease called Chickenpox. Chickenpox is usually acquired through the inhalation of airborne respiratory droplets from an infected host. Chickenpox is primarily acquired during childhood , with more than 90% of all reported cases occurring in children under the age of 10. A person with chickenpox can spread the virus without even showing any signs or symptoms. It is usually most easily transmitted two to three days before a rash appears and keeps that high transmission rate until the blisters have crusted over.
Chicken Pox is a virus caused by varicella-zoster, a member of the herpes family. This same virus also is a cause of herpes zoster other known as shingles in adults. Chicken pox is very contagious and can easily spread to people. Chicken pox is acquired by coming into contact with the fluid of a chicken pox blister, or airborne by an infected person sneezing near you. The blister-like rash usually lasts five to ten days. The incubation period lasts 10-21 days and a person with chickenpox becomes contagious one to two days before their blisters appear. The person with chicken pox remains contagious until all the blisters have crusted