
Sharia In Canad The Pitfalls Of Diversity

Decent Essays

Islam is now the second most practiced religion in Canada, only behind Catholicism. Approximately one million people living in Canada identify as Muslim, making it one of the largest minority groups within Canada. Internationally, Canada can be identified as a multicultural country, known for its diversity of population and for its policies which enforce toleration for those living within Canada. The film Sharia in Canada – The Pitfalls of Diversity explores the debates around allowing for Sharia law to exist as a legitimate law form within Canada. This is a point of contention throughout various groups of people in Canada. In the 1990s, the idea to first introduce sharia law in Canadian society was presented. Sharia law is the rules outlined …show more content…

Through various interviews, opinions of Canadian Muslims are voiced, arguing both sides of the argument. While many believe that the laws which would be enforced under sharia are not suitable or acceptable to be practiced in Canada, others state that as religion plays an integral part in many Canadian Muslims identity, and therefore they should be allowed to practice religious arbitration. The implantation would perhaps give Canadian Muslims a stronger sense of belonging and help them intergrade better into Canada, (Cardona, 2005) . Furthermore, under the Canadian Charter of Rights, as well as outlined by Canada’s multicultural policies, all cultural practices of minorities are allowed to be practiced in Canada and discrimination of certain cultural practices, (Paikin, 2010). That being said, many feel women’s rights as well as other Canadian values and therefore, it would be incorrect to allow sharia to be enforced. This issue brought into question the extent to which Canada is a multicultural country, and what point does the government step in to no longer allow cultural …show more content…

However, with the emergence of multicultural policy, some difficulties have developed in the attempt to in place these policies. The challenges which have emerged include the problem of how to properly categorize minorities, the problem of conditions and sequencing, and the relationship between justice and security, (Kymlicka, 2013, pp. 8-9). Examining the relationship between justice and security, the question of to what extent should minority rights be preserved, and what risks are worth taking is brought forward, (Kymlicka, 2013, p. 9). Putting Sharia law into practice is controversial because while it follows multicultural, the practice also differentiates from Canadian law, and puts some Canadians at

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