
Shakespeare's Hamlet-Deception, Lying And Spying

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Deception, Lying and Spying William Shakespeare’s dexterously written tragedy, Hamlet, is composed of multiple themes such as madness, revenge, and spying with deception. This notable tragedy is filled with the deception and lies that create the reasoning behind why the characters spy on one another. Throughout this play, Hamlet as well as other major characters, such as Claudius, Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, spy on one another and generate plans which develop tension between them. After discovering the cause of death of his father, Hamlet wants to avenge the murder. However, this becomes much harder when people decide to spy on his every move. All characters spy, get spied on, set traps for others, and fall into traps that others …show more content…

ii. 10-18).
Claudius and Gertrude believe that the only way to discover the reason for Hamlet’s madness is to send Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on him. Eager to make some money, they betray Hamlet and agree to spy on him. Soon after, they find out that Hamlet is making his madness up and Hamlet finds out why Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were sent to him. Feeling betrayed, later in the play, Hamlet alters a letter and sends the two to their death. Furthermore, in act three of Hamlet, Polonius and Claudius formulate plans to spy on Hamlet when he is with Ophelia and then another time when he is with Gertrude. Claudius tells Gertrude how he and Polonius have arranged Ophelia to meet with Hamlet and stage a confrontation between them so that Hamlet would reveal his true self. Claudius says to Gertrude,
Sweet Gertrude, leave us too,
For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither,
That he, as ’twere by accident, may here
Affront Ophelia.
Her father and myself (lawful

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