
Shakespearean Play Observation

Satisfactory Essays

My observation of the shakespeare love's labor's lost at the quiescent theater is that the stage design was not what I expected for a shakespearean play which I assumed would see these big elegant set pieces for the king's court but their was only two shrubs and seem mostly dependent on the lighting I thought this was a good decision because of the lack of scenery paid more attention to the actors because. The costumes the characters wore looked to be of modern attire except I felt that especially Biron that he was the rebel of the group of scholars while the two other associates Longaville and Dumaine who were dressed in debonair attire in contrast to biron who wore a hoodie under his blazer, khaki shorts and ruffled which was really helpful to me because I had a hard time understanding his character but …show more content…

The setting reminded me 2012 film version of much ado about nothing the films modernization of the shakespearean play but kept his brand of language with the dialogue the way love's labour's loss did this was just as appealing because in a way it was easier to connect to a younger audience because in someway they could possibly relate to it to situation in their life while not disregarding the genius of shakespeare who was the originator of the words and phrase they use.The oath the king and his men make take to abstain from women for three years to focus on their studies I’d compare to life of a college because students have to block all the distraction in their life and basically put their life on hold all 4 years to keep their gpa up to perfection but just as the princess and her ladies arriving in the simply it simply unavoidable to completely surrender all your time to your studies because you can not anticipate life. The other

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