
Sexuality In Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others By Karras: Summary

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The book Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others written by Ruth Mazo Karras introduces the reader to a fresh new way of analyzing sex and gender related topics in the Middle Ages. The book takes on an argumentative approach as it explains the differences in sexual identity as defined by society today versus the way it was defined in a traditional medieval society. The book covers a range of topics in the study of sexual identity in the years between the fifth century and the fifteenth century. It is important to explore sex and gender issues in the Middle Ages because it is where many opinions held today originated from. The book delves into the differences in the way we experience gender and sexuality today and in the way it …show more content…

Although marriage was a norm and almost and expectation in the Middle Ages there were many limitations places upon it that dictated a couple’s relationship. The church was usually the one deciding what acts if committed within in a marriage were taboo and unacceptable which meant that a lot of emphasis was placed upon a couple’s sexual intercourse. Sex in and of it self was considered to be a sin and a polluting act even if it was committed within a legal marriage but procreation had a lot of value in the Christian teachings so sex had to be tolerated. The book looks at marriage through the perspective of both the husband and the wife and of course it is no surprise that women were considered to be inferior to men therefore they had to be obedient and submissive. The book argues that male-female relationships were dictated by the dominant and submissive role that each person played in the marriage and in the bedroom. As mentioned before sex was considered to be a sin so chastity was widely practiced by monks and nuns which gave them a higher status in the church and it was especially important for women because it meant that they had transcended their weak femininity and have gained holly

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