
Sexual Violence : The Iciological Effects Of Interpersonal Violence

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Interpersonal violence against perceived or a real weaker partner is a widespread incident. Sexual violence is a profoundly negative and traumatic life event with widespread psychological and sociological effects on the victim irrespective of their gender. It often gives rise to a wide range of negative emotions, embarrassment, and existential questions such as, “Why me?,” and, “iIf I say something”, will I be believed?” It increases feelings of helplessness and powerlessness in the victim affecting their self- esteem and producing feelings which suggests that they may be vulnerable to further violence. It is likely that the fear of sexual violence in women will restrict their freedom and occupational opportunities and affect their long-term psychological well-being. In short, these types of situations create complete fear which is no way a person should have to live. When police come to a domestic violence scenethe scene of domestic violence it is one person's word against another unless the crime has been witnessed. Even though there are laws to help protect the victim, an adaptation of said laws is used in court to allow the accused to walk free. Sexual assault consists of many different things such as rape, sexual battery and sexual harassment. These are just a few of offenses that occur every day regardless of your gender, race or age. This happens at home, in the workplace, and social media just to name a few. The current Tennessee classificationslaws on

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