
Sexual Violence In The Military Essay

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True credits sexual violence during and after wartime to the fact that “soldiering masculinities” are encouraged (True, pg. 44). Any weapons are seen as fair game even if they are ones that are human rights violations. These violations include domestic violence sexual violence, forced pregnancy and marriage, trafficking, and much more (Unit 6 Lecture, 2018). However, the victims of these violations stem much further than just the civilian women and children in conflict zones. Instead, they are also the women within the military. An astonishing thirty percent of women in the military have been raped of sexually assaulted (Invisible War, 2013).

A feminist political economy approach helps to explain sexual violence as a weapon of war by providing us with the concept of human security. Human security is generally welcomed by feminist because it focuses on a range of activist concerns similar to their own …show more content…

In Liberia they are already taking steps suggested by this practice. They are ensuring that sexual violence in their towns are taken seriously and punished rightfully (Liberian Women, 2009). By focusing on this local issue they are able to make a difference around the world. They are finding solutions that work that can be shared with other local communities. They are educating both the men and women about the no tolerance policies. And most importantly, they are decreasing the number of instances in which sexual violence occurs. All implications in which will have a positive affect to more than just their own community. Human security can also be applied to the issue of sexual violence within the military. By shifting our focus to this issue and implementing potential solutions, they can become a stronger force to assist others. But in order for that to happen this issue needs to be dealt with and fixed first so that internal conflict does not exist when trying to assist

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