
Sexual Offenders And Sex Offenders

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After serving their time in prison for their crimes, many sex offenders are sent to mental hospitals against their will, where they can be kept for undetermined amounts of time, even in some cases indefinitely. Some people see this as a grand solution to the problem of having sex offenders in the community. Other see it as unethical, and a violation of human rights. Sex offences committed against children are one of the most deplorable crimes one can commit, and sex offenders, especially child molesters are generally seen as the very scum of society. Once a sex offender has served their time, it can cause some concern about what happens to them, as no one wants them in their community. There is a chance that they will reoffend. So to some, keeping the most violent sex offenders removed from society is the simplest and most logical solution. However, keeping someone completely isolated from society could be seen as a major violation of human rights. It may even violate the constitution. So the question remains, does confining sex offender indefinitely in mental hospitals violate the constitution?
The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution states: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, are subject to the jurisdiction where they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law:

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