
Sexual Issues With Cultural Controversies

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Identify four sexual issues with cultural controversies
Casual Sex
People who are not in a committed relationship also known as hookups or friends with benefits. The controversial issue of casual sex are adverse effects of hookups may consist of emotional entanglement, psychological harm, sexual violence, sexually transmitted infections, and or unplanned pregnancy. People who have experience hook-up behavior has linked with a variety of mental health factors (Garcia, 2013). Additionally, although some individuals are having casual sex, not all enjoy being in that type of relationship. Which may cause some to have low self-esteem, anxiety, and feeling of being pressured and discomfort (Paul et al., 2000). As a result feeling guilty and resentment. Women were more likely to feel guilt and have negative feelings than men (Garcia, 2013). These negative sense of guilt and resentments may connect to individuals wanting a more intimate and committed relationship.
Today 's casual sex culture and sexual risk may consist of adverse outcomes, as well as, emotional and psychological harm, sexually transmitted infections, sexual violence, and unintended pregnancy, despite the ubiquity of certain positive feelings.

Extra Pair Relationships (Extramarital relationships) At least one of the partners is already married to or partnered with another person. All extra pair relationships incur social disapproval. Ethier monogamy or serial monogamy is acceptable. Extra-pair relationships may

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