
Sexual Behavior Journal Article Analysis

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Journal Article Summary Article reference Ciesla, J. A., Kalmbach, D. A., Kingsberg, S. A., & Pillai, V. (2014). The Transaction between depression and anxiety symptoms and sexual functioning: A prospective study of premenopausal, healthy women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44 (6), 1635-1649. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to research the relationship between the symptoms of depression and anxiety and sexual dysfunction. The study attempts to discover whether the symptoms or the sexual difficulties are the cause of the other. Hypothesis(es) The authors hypothesized that anhedonia could impair any aspect of sexual function while anxiety would more specifically cause lower levels of arousal, lubrication, and cause pain. …show more content…

To participate in this study, they were required to have been in a romantic relationship for at least thirty days, not to have a history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, not to have taken antidepressants for at least a month, and not to have gone into menopause to their knowledge. The majority of the women were Caucasian (n=58). The rest of the ethnicities included African Americans (n=4), Latino or Hispanic (n=3), Eastern Asian or Pacific Islander (n=1), and one other who was not specified (n=1). They had a diverse socioeconomic background. According to the body mass index, the participants had a range of healthy to moderately obese body weight. 85% of the women were heterosexual, 7.5% were bisexual, and 7.5% strictly homosexual. 85% of the women had a male partner, while the others had a female partner. 59.1% were in an exclusive relationship. 9.1% were engaged. 31.8% were married. One woman left in the middle of the study after her relationship …show more content…

Procedure utilized The authors used a repeated measures design to examine how distress, anxiety, and anhedonia can cause changes in sexual functions. Next, they reexamined the depression and anxiety symptoms again in an attempt to predict the next change in sexual functions. Finally, the researchers examined how sexual capability would affect the symptoms in turn. There were five weekly assessments. The women reported their symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sexual function on a weekly basis. To study pain and sexual avoidance, the participants were given the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Profile of Female Sexual Function (PFSF). For the first assessment, the women were given instructions to answer online surveys using the Remark Web Survey 5.0. Afterwards, they were asked to complete the next tri-weekly questionnaires at home. Then, the participants returned to the lab to complete the last assessment. Participants were also asked to use a weekly diary of the depression and anxiety symptoms as well as sexual performance to minimize the effect of recall bias. Summary of

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