
Sex Related Theories

Decent Essays

Question: Why are all your theories related to sex? Answer: I get asked this question a lot. People incorrectly assume I am "obsessed" with sex. Some even assume my theories are derived from the complicated life I had. There are assumptions that my relationship with my mother had an impact on my sex related theories. Another theory people have about me is that my obession with sex is due to the topic being a taboo at the time. This is somewhat true. I geneinly believe sex plays a large part in our psychology: our personalitities, the people we grow to become, our relationship with those around us, etc. It bothers me when people question why I am "obsessed" with sex. There might be some truth to this, but my theories come from more solid bases. I would like to ask those people if they have paid attention to any of my other theories. I am the father of psychology, specifically psychoanalysis. I introduced the idea of an unconcious mind. The very well known id, ego, and super ego were introduced by me. I described the mind as …show more content…

I feel very close to these two theories because I can relate to these. The impact sex has on out society is very prominant and vast. My theory of psychosexual development is the reason people say I am so obssesed with sex. There might be some truth to that, but if you put aaside the preconcieved notions you have of my theory and myself, it is clear to see the crucial effect sex has on our society. If you were to list the basic human necessities, sex would follow immediatrly after food and water. This is why I have come up with the following stages found in psychosexual development: (1) oral, (2) anal, (3) phallic, (4) latent, (5) genital. Although I understand how my theories could be considered controversial, I wish that people could see the truth and reality in them. I wish that my other theories could get just as much attention as

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