
Essay on Sex Addiction

Decent Essays

Sex Addiction





Amy Qualls

May 12, 2013


Addictions can come in many forms, but I will be focusing on sexual addiction. There are many ways to help people fight addiction such as counseling, or rehabilitation.

Body 1

Everyday in America, more people become addicted to sex. According to the National Association of Sexual Addiction Problems, “1 out of 17 people are addicted to sex.” Many people become addicted to it and do not even know it. “Sexual addiction is a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual …show more content…

Treatment continued

I forgot to mention about the many other treatments there are out there such as individual, group therapy, or 12 step programs some people would prefer the individual therapy because they don't want a lot of people in their personal business about their addiction(s). I know it may be hard for some people to sit in a group session and talk about their problems but sometimes you will be able to meet people that suffer from the same addiction as you then you can talk to them privately about how they beat the addiction then you will be able to practice the same procedures they took to get over their addiction.


Once you find other things to occupy your time you will not even behave the same way when you come to certain obstacles in your life you will know how to overcome that obstacle and every time you face any life obstacle it will be easy to get the monkey off of your back and move on with your life.

Medical Treatment

I know that there are many different types of medications to help with their urges and behavior I think that medication is not really necessary it just makes the individual feel drugged up and sometimes they can't even function properly or do what they need to do to get through the day if I were

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