
Seven Deadly Sins Of Men : The Seven Deadly Sins Of Man

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Although man has been around for thousands of years, we have not changed in the slightest. During man's time on earth, we have managed to accomplish many things, but rising over our primal instinct is not one of them. We humans are driven to do the most horrific sins, and for what? To fulfill our self interests. When it comes down to it, almost all things can be drawn back to at least one of these several things, envy, greed, gluttony, lust, sloth, wrath, and pride. These are known as the seven deadly sins of man; man’s greatest weaknesses and downfall.

Though they are better known as “The Seven Deadly Sins of Man”, it’s not just man that partakes in these sins. Many animals are known to act in accordance of these sins, lets take a lion as an example. Lions live as predators; the alpha of their respected food cycle. A lion that has no pack will wonder the Sahara, looking for a place to belong. It will eventually wonder upon another pack of lions, one male and multiple females. The male lion is known as the alpha and is protective of his pack. As protective as he may be, he is quite lazy, and instead of chasing the unknown lion away, he will keep an eye on the lion and proceed lazily lying on his rock (sloth). Knowing that it is unwelcome, the wandering lion will want what the alpha has; he will want the pack as his own (envy). The wandering lion had been alone for so long, he would crave the female lions in the alphas pack, sending him over the edge and empowering him to

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