
Setting Walrath Masters The Sense Of Looming Danger

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Sweeping the category of setting Walrath masters the sense of looming danger throughout in her descriptive wordplay. “they slashed his throat, the gash so deep his skull hung on by ragged bands of muscle only…her cloths were all gone her breast severed, her womb removed” (Walrath 167). Not only is the author telling the reader how mama and papa perish she is foreshowing what will happen to the children if they are caught being man and woman. By showing the consequence is death the future obstacles to come, as the escape to safety through the mountains, the flow of the story makes it difficult for the reader to stop their own journey. When the children have to cross the river, “heaps of bodies strew on the water’s edge…. up the bank past the bodies, heaps of them, bloated, cut open…. Throats slit, whole families dead tighter, mothers, old men, daughters, young boys” (Walrath 199). These are just a few examples of how Walrath sets a dark and ominous tone throughout. Like Water on Stone scores all the points in the descriptive setting and suspenseful situations of dangerous areas throughout the novel in verse.
A good book you will keep on reading. A great book will immerse the reader through a personal connection leaving them saying, “I don’t want to put it down.” In final category of the GPBA rubric we need to pay attention to the personal connection the reader is able to grasp to. According to Thomas Foster’s article, Its Greek to me, “writers and readers share knowledge

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