
Serious Disorders in America: Clinical Depression Essay

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There will be many topics covered as you continue to read that are related to depression. Clinical Depression is a very serious disorder that affects millions of people in the United States every year. There are many reasons for depression and there are also many signs and symptoms that can help you to identify depression that is affecting someone close to you. Depression can be treated in different forms weather it is through the use of anti depressants, coping, cognitive-behavioral and psychotherapy. There are many situations that can cause each person to get depressed for different reasons and may affect everyone in different ways and have different severities. There are believed to be three types of depression which are Major …show more content…

There are many reasons that may lead a person into a state of depression and some of these issues may not be able to be fixed unless you seek professional help and assistance. Reasons causing depression can be biological, cognitive, gender, medications, genetics and situational issues. The issue that may cause biological depression can be caused from a person having to many or not enough brain chemicals that are referred to as neurotransmitters. Cognitive issues causing depression typically steam from a person having negative thoughts or low self esteem toward them. These issues may also lead them to assume other people think the same way about them. Gender issues that may cause depression for women throughout their lives may steam from the hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. One thing that is still unclear is if women develop depression issues at twice the rate of men. Issues that can be caused from medications may be caused by side effects of the medication or your body does not process the drug the way it is intended to be processed. Genetic depression puts you at a higher risk for having the same illness as family

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