Anna was walking home from her job thinking it's the same thing everyday I wake up go to my minimum wage job then go home nothing new. Anna finally arrived to her lonely small apartment she had no family ever since they died in a house fire last year, she walked inside and went to her fridge and pulled out some old chinese takeout from last week, and ate it while walking to the couch she plopped down on her couch with her food in hand and turned on the TV, she turned it on the news she saw that it was a serial killer on the loose in her area. It scared her a little but she thought what are the odds of him killing me. Anna turned the TV off and went to sleep, but she did not realize that she did not close her window. While she rested peacefully …show more content…
Anna woke up in a chair with her wrists tied and her ankles tied and she tried to scream but realized that she had a sock in her mouth. Anna started crying thinking that this would be her last day on Earth. The serial killer came inside the room and just started looking at her then smirked and said “ Do you remember me?” Anna shook her head no in fear, he then said “ I was that guy you yelled at in the store for stepping on your shoe” he paused then said “you should be nice to everyone because you don’t know who they really are and what they are capable of”. Anna tried to start talking about all that came out was inaudible mumbles because of the sock in her mouth. The serial killer went over and snactched the sock out of her mouth and Anna said “ I am so sorry I am usually a kind person but so much happened that day and you stepping on my shoe brought me over the edge and I took it out on you please let me go I won’t tell anyone this happened ” The serial killer said “I know I have those days all the time” he paused and went to stand behind her and then continued to talk and said “ I understand but………….. I’M CRAZY” and then shot her in the back of the
America has some of the most infamous serial killers who marked history, serial killers who once didn’t even think to harm any human being. Many people grow up differently from others, some people grow up in a safe environment surrounded with caring people and others grow up in a completely different environment being missed treated by others, therefore are serial killers made or born?
This series follows Lydia Strong, a woman who 's mother was murdered when she was a kid; Lydia also came home one day and found her with her throat slit from ear to ear. She helped the police catch her mother 's killer way back when. This changed who she was, and would effect her development and make her who she would become. Now, she writes about killers-working as a true crime author and investigative consultant- and has an obsession: seeing brutal killers brought to justice.
4. Serial killers also show signs of a psychopath though this is not always the case. Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive and don’t conform to social, moral, or legal norms. Psychopaths have a distinct set of rules for themselves. They appear normal and are often very charming and charismatic.
Dean see Adriana music hit she walks out in tight leather bottoms similar to Nikki. He notices she is wearing a black Seth Rollins shirt. Roman notice he is staring to long. Dean mind was going to early the day.
It was February 12, 2006. My wife and I are about to get ready for the day we’ve been waiting for, we are finally going to seek justice for the man that killed my innocent 4 year old daughter. Since March 3rd I have slept absolutely none, but after today everything will be finished with.
Serial killers tend to be white heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties, who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem. Serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off periods in between each murder. Serial killers are twisted in nature. Some return to the place the murder happened or the gravesite to fantasize about their deeds. Serial killers have made many excuses for their killings and behavior such as: Henry Lucas blamed his upbringing, Jeffrey Dahmer claims he was born with a “part” of him missing, Ted Bundy said porno made him do it and John Wayne Gacy turned the blame around and said the victims deserved to die. Many killers blame their families for
When they woke the next morning, they wasted no time getting ready. They needed to stop by Kate’s apartment before they went to the precinct since she refused to show up to work in jeans and a ratty t shirt, even if she would change into her spare clothes immediately. She still took the time to take a shower at the loft, and Rick suspected it was only because she liked his shower more than her own, even though she insisted that it was only to save time.
Officer Gordon comes quickly up to me and says “Chief Lussen we found him” and that officer Miles is taking him into the interrogation room. As I take a second to myself and take a deep breath officer Gordon passes me files for the case. I walk towards the interrogation room but i wanted to look at him before I walked in and started interrogating him. So I looked at him through the observation mirror into the interrogation room and thought to me all my years of working as a homicide investigator this case is the case that has shocks me the most. 37 residents that live in the neighborhood and saw & even heard something or someone yelling on the street didn't even call the police.
This was the first time Kimberly had ever been in jail. The process was not only completely foreign, but also scary. She was going to be booked and put in a cell with other women to await a bail hearing. Some of whom might be in jail for what she’s accused of doing. During the transfer to the police station she pleaded with the officers in the front seat. She tried to explain, but all they commanded her to do was be quiet and to tell it to the judge. Kimberly knew she was doomed. People were desperate. They wanted a face to put to the serial killer and they had picked hers. She was guilty in their eyes and nothing was going to change it. When she came to that realization, she slumped in her seat. She answered all the questions they asked when
It can be said that most serial killers share some of the same personality traits, such as being characterized as power hungry, charming, and manipulative; traits all of which can be expressed by non-murders as well. So what makes serial killers different from normal people, non-murderous people, but also different from what we think of when discussing people with an abnormal mind? Some say, this specific type of psychopath may be a product of nature rather than nurture. Undoubtedly nurture does play some role in the formation of these covertly manic people. In many cases, such as with Charles Manson, reports of neglect throughout both childhood and young adulthood could have also been a key factor in “making a murder” out of a presumably normal human being, as is discussed throughout many studies of abnormal psychology.
What are underling factors that contribute to the psychological profile of men and women serial killers? This paper examines scientific and meta-analysis studies of men and women serial killers in an attempt to identify some of these factors. By investigating psychological theories involving men and women serial killer's mental stability and violence motives, the findings from this paper suggest that more research needs to be done in order to address these societal issues and possibly prevent future violence
A serial killer is a person whom everybody knows as a friend, a lover or even a father but no one knows about his killer instinct until it's to late. Serial killers have plagued this country and others for many years. They are hard to find and virtually undetectable until they start murdering the innocent.
The events of the past can hold a great influence on the actions and behaviors of the future. From being raised in a supportive and loving home, to one that is full of neglect and abuse, each event can potentially impact the future of an individual. In the case of serial killers, there has been some debate on whether the evil ones are made or born; does it happen because of a genetic factor, environmental factor, or is it simply they addicted to the feeling of slaughtering another individual’s life? Although, the most important key in finding the truth deals with the past and shapes the outcome of the future. Upon viewing in a psychological stance, there is no clear understanding of why one aspect that most serial killers share, namely
Many things today confuse, yet enthrall the masses. War, murder, medical science, incredible rescues, all things you would see on The History Channel. There is another topic that is also made into documentaries however, serial killers. Dark twisted people that commit multiple murders are of interest to the population, but what caused them to be this way. What horrible tragic set of events could twist a man to murder one or many people. Could Schizophrenia, psychopathy, or sociopathy? Many people have researched this topic and believe that childhood trauma, heavy drugs during the growing phase of life, as well as many other things have twisted the minds of men such as Jeffery Dahmer, Charles Manson,
Fifteen year old Conrad Clark just came home from basketball practice where he was absolutely exhausted. He is the best player on his undefeated school basketball team. He lives with just his mom and only sibling Thomas after his father had recently been murdered by an unknown killer. As he approached the front door of his massive three story mansion located basically in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a lake and lots of wildlife, a gut punching feeling went through his body. He was remembering what had happened before he left for practice. He got in a huge fight with his mom about his grades in school, and was regretting some of the things he said. He goes through the front door and goes up to his bedroom on the third story. He lays down on his bed and he sees a note telling him that his mom and Thomas, are at a party and will be gone all night. He puts the note down and closes his eyes. About forty five minutes later he wakes up to his alarm going off. He turns off the alarm clock reading 10:30 p.m and is wondering why his alarm went off for no reason. He lets it go past him and goes down to the first floor and turns the television on. He turns on his favorite show, Criminal Minds, when Bang! At that moment Conrad knew that something bad