
Serial Killers: A Psychological Analysis

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What drives the killer? Is it his genetics or is it something from his past? The answers is presented as being as simple as black and white, but in reality what drives a serial killer is more of a gray area. It is a gray area because of every mind is different and every experiences is different. Most of the information used in identifying comes from family history and brain scans. Dr. Raine one of the world's leading criminologists has been studying the mind of killers for many years. One of the main ways he studies the brain is through brain scans. Dr. Raine stated in his paper entitled The Criminal Mind, “Those who plan their homicides, like serial killers, tend to have good prefrontal functioning...In 2009, Yaling Yang, Robert Schug and …show more content…

While there is evidence that suggests people who were beaten and abused as children are more likely to become serial killers due to a hinderance in their emotional development as children. Many scientists and law enforcement officials refuse to believe that there is a psychological reason behind these murders because they believe acknowledging the fact that serial killers have a legitimate psychological defect will give rise to an increase in insanity pleas. Even though people reject the idea, the research behind data is solid and based on thousands of hours of psychological interviews and interrogations. In the article, Psycho Killer, Qu’est-ce que c’est?: The Face of Evil, by Eugene H. Methvin, many interview with convicted serial killers are conducted by psychologists. The article states that, “ these killers had been subjected to brutalizing treatment that generated overwhelming hostile and ultimately murderous emotions. Many had been beaten repeatedly or sexually abused as children; as adolescents and adults, they were given to gender confusion, chaotic sexual behavior, and periodic cross-dressing” (Methvin 5). Based on the trend of childhood abuse researchers were able to identify many things. First they learned that almost all serial killers experienced a traumatic childhood, the trauma altered each person psychologically stunting their emotional growth, and the only emotions they experienced as children were pain and anger. Based on this information, the obvious conclusion is that childhood trauma was a key component in creating a serial murderer. But, Just because a person was abused as a child does not automatically mean they are going to become serial killers. “Most abused children adjust and, as they mature, progress past their traumatic experiences. However, those individuals

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