
Serial Killer Research Paper

Decent Essays

Wesley Varnadore
Mrs Ritchy
Research paper Serial Killers Serial killers are some of the most dangerous, maniacal creatures on earth. A serial killer is a person who commits a series of murders often with no motive and typically following a characteristic or predictable pattern. It is usually very rare but when a serial killer comes out of hiding, it can be very devastating. Serial murder is not a new phenomenon. It dates back to ancient times and has been chronicled around the world. In the 19th century, european Dr. Richard von Krafft- Ebing constructed some of the first documented research on violent sex offenders and the crimes they had committed. Dating even further back in the 1880s, a series of murders were committed …show more content…

The hollywood directors make the storyline more intense to heighten the interest of the audience which doesn't accurately portray serial murder.This causes more confusion to the true dynamics of serial murder. Law enforcement professionals are also subject to the same misinformation. Since serial murder has a rare occurrence, when it does pop up most of the law enforcement officials may have limited time with serial killers or even none at all. As a result, certain stereotypes and misconceptions take place regarding the nature of serial murder and the characteristics of serial killers. The majority of serial are actually not social misfits who live alone. They may not appear strange and many serial killers hide in plain sight. Most of them have families and homes and appear to be normal members of the community. Serial killers come from all races for example, Charles Ng was a asian serial killer who killed many people in Northern California. The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. …show more content…

There are many things to cause someone to be psychopathic. For example, Children who are exposed to alcohol and substance abuse in the womb can be born with defects such as brain and central nervous system issues. Growing up in a home where substances can be abused can be even worse. According to FBI statistics, the childhood homes of more than 70% of serial killers experienced problems with substance abuse. 50% of them are abused as a child. Whether it be emotional or physical abuse, they were humiliated often and the discipline was extremely destructive and wicked. When a child is neglected, huge developmental failures can occur causing the child to become desensitized. Sexually stressful events in childhood such as rape or sexual abusement can cause serious effects on a child's development. Most serial killers admitted that they did not want to go to parties and other events. Growing up lonely and isolated can cause this problem and can cause development issues within the child. The way a child is raised can have many effects on how they will be later on in life. If you know a child that is being raised this way please let authorities know for the safety of the child and potentially everyone

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