
Serial Killer Research Paper

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The human brain is a complete mystery to us. Some believe that it is so complex that the even the best and brightest within our society will never uncover its secrets. Serial killers are nothing new to today’s society. A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people over a period of time for primarily psychological reasons. Serial killers are one of the most fascinating and melancholic groups of people to study. These vicious killers are all violent, brutal monsters and have an abnormal urge to kill. There are gaps of time of killing between a ranges of few hours to years.
However, the criminal homicide rate for the United States is currently at its lowest rate during the last forty years according to Bureau of Justice Statistics …show more content…

A time when the country was in political havoc and crime was widespread. This was in fact the last place anyone would have wanted to born. Pedro was the seventh of the thirteen children born to a Colombian prostitute. Pedro’s father was the member of the Colombian conservative party and was killed in during La Violencia in 1948. In 1957, when Pedro was eight, his mother caught him having sexual relationship with his younger sister and Pedro’s worst nightmare came into reality. Pedro’s mother kicked him out of the house, forcing him to find his own food, and lives on streets. Soon, Lopez became a beggar on bloodthirsty Colombian streets and lost the hope of living a life as he could have before having an intimate relationship with his younger sister. However, things began to look up for Pedro when an old man picks him off the streets and offered him food and place to stay. Pedro being child at a time couldn’t possibly think of anything great besides having food and place. He accepted the offer and left with an old man. But, things were too good for a Colombian violent streets and for Pedro. Pedro being a child accepted the offer and went with an old man. Instead for Pedro going to a comfortable home with an old man, old man took him to an abandoned building and repeatedly sodomized him and returned to the …show more content…

He served two days in prison and got brutally gang rape by four older inmates. Following this recent attacks in his life, Pedro swore to himself that no one would ever touch him again without his consent. Following that week, he made a knife from utensils and took revenge on those four older guys who inhumanly raped him in prison. Under these circumstances, Pedro’s mind pushed him over the edge of what little sanity he still hold there somewhere in his mind. Thereupon, Pedro’s fear from his early childhood of his mother made him fear from women. He found a way to peace his mind by looking at intense pictures of women’s in magazine and according to him, his mother was to be blamed for his

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