
Sergeant Major Valliant For Washington Dc

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Sergeant Major Valliant, of the 82nd Airborne, had embedded himself with the scout platoon that was heading for Washington DC. They were being flown up north in a C-17 along with two Bradley’s and a Humvee. This was meant to supplement the Armor platoon from 11th ACR out of Fort Irwin and they would come under the command of 3rd Infantry Regiment. The mission was, along with an infantry platoon from the 3rd were to maneuver outside of the fifty mile radius north of the capital. The powers that be, knew that Colonel Magnus and his army were a little over a hundred miles away. They wanted to do their best to cut that distance in half. They wanted to bring the fight to Colonel Magnus and not allow them into the capital, however everyone …show more content…

Everyone was at the LOD, gassed up and ready to go, it was now 2300 and they began to move out, it was going to be a long road march, first on the freeways to get out of the city as quickly as possible, then off onto secondary roads. The noise of the tracks carried at night, there was no traffic anymore, not many people out at this time of night – too dangerous, the normal post event noise levels that could be found in your average American city that might have masked the noise of the tracks was gone. It was warm night and the Tank commanders and drivers traveled with hatches open or standing within the turret. They were the only lights on the roads and they could be seen from quite a ways. They took the I-495 north, then merge onto the I-270 and continue onto the US-40 W into Frederick, and hoping there were no issues there. From there continue onto US-15 N into Pennsylvania and exit onto secondary roads and secure an area to conduct reconnaissance operations from. They did have a shortwave radio which would allow them to communicate with the rear echelon and give and get SITREPS (situation reports). Colonel Lambert knew they were putting all of their eggs in one basket by running operations from this location. There were several ways Colonel Magus could approach the Capital. However, Intelligence reports coming from the Special Forces teams on the ground stated

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