
Separate But Equal

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Separate but equal is a doctrine that separated any and everything that had to do with blacks and whites. This doctrine made it so all public facilities like water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, and schools were separate based on skin color. Blacks were not able to attend to white schools. They did not want them to be educated because then they could have the risk of losing their jobs to them. So they were giving less books and attention and were put in different schools. They also would have to give up anything to the whites and call them by Mr. or Ms.. The whites however would just call them by their first name. A black man could never introduce themself, a white person had to. If a white person wanted a seat on the bus the black person would have to get up and go …show more content…

When they are driving white people always have the right of way at any intersection. With these examples it is easy to see that blacks were still treated differently even though all public places were claimed to be the same for everyone. Since people were starting to see they still needed to fight for their freedom people started to fight back. One gentleman by the name of Homer Plessy decided to try and challenge the court. Plessy then purposely sat in the white only railcar and was put in jail for a night. By him doing this he inspired so many people to fight for their rights. Another example is the Brown vs. Board of Education. Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to go to a white school because he claimed that the kids at the white schools were treated then the ones at the black schools. His daughter was then not accepted into the school and Oliver brown was then in a lawsuit. This court case went before the court and they even admitted that it was a little unfair but still sustained the ¨Separate but Equal Act¨. Even though these results didn't come into place right then overtime it started to make a

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