
Sensory Integration Theory

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Jean Ayres an occupational therapist, developed the theory of sensory integration in 1960 (Smith, S., Mailloux, Z., & Erwin, B. n.d.). Jean Ayres defined sensory integration as “The neurological process that organizes sensations from one’s body and from the environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively in the environment” (Ayres,1989, p. 22). Occupational therapists are trained in adapting the environment to address such individual client needs (What Is Occupational Therapy, (n.d.). Jean Ayres believed that the various sensory systems allow us to successfully interact with the environment (Ayres, 1972, p. 1). Moreover, additional research also suggests that a child requires appropriate levels of arousal, orientation, and attention in order to interact and engage with the environment (Case-Smith & Bryan, 1999). MSEs certainly provide such levels of arousal and attention because MSEs allow individuals to interact with various types of stimuli. MSEs take sensory integration a step further by combining the various types of senses. Occupational therapists use MSE interventions in everyday practice to address neurological impairments across the lifespan (Singh et al., 2004; Blanche, Chang, Gutiérrez, Gunter, 2016). …show more content…

Occupational therapists can also provide structured play activities to increase participation in the classroom (Learning Through Play, n.d.). MSEs consist of various types of sensory stimulation such as colorful lights, music, and tactile boards (Martin et al, 1998). Furthermore, occupational therapists also play an important role in increasing social participation skills (Learning Through Play, n.d.). Social interaction and behavior skills impact an individual’s ability to be successful in the future (Jones, Greenberg, & Crowley,

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