
Senior Project Paper: Music Therapy used on Alzheimer's Patients

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Courtney Everette
Ms. Askue
August 26, 2014
English IV Music Therapy
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve observed people playing music around me. My family is musically inclined, which I believe is the reason I’ve been drawn to it. In 2006, I began taking guitar lessons but I never had much interest in playing. Things changed in 2009, and I wished to be different. I wanted to be good at something so I began to teach myself guitar and have stuck with the guitar until now. In 2010, I began to play on my church’s worship team and I enjoyed it very much. I have now been a worship leader for the past four years and it’s something I love to do. I love it so much that for the past two years I have gone to Camp Electric to …show more content…

So how did Alzheimer’s come to be? How was it discovered? In 1906, German Physician Alois Alzheimer, began to link symptoms to microscopic brain changes. When he began an autopsy on his first Alzheimer’s patient, Auguste Deter, Alzheimer saw dramatic shrinkage and abnormal deposits in and around her nerve cells. In 1910, the disease was named after him because of the great discovery he made that would change history forever. In 1931, the electron microscope was invented and this allowed for further exploration of the brain and how it is affected by this disease (Hippius). Something that may be as simple as just observing the brain and analyzing minor changes might seem small but it changed the future. Doctors are now able to recognize the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and diagnose the disease properly. The symptoms will be able to place the individual into their correct stage of the disease. There are seven stages, all which gain momentum over time. The Reisberg Scale states that the first stage is the underlying disease but no symptoms in which case the individual seems to be normal. The first stage is easy to look over if the individual isn’t expecting it, which is common when one obtains early-onset Alzheimer’s. In stages 2-4 the individual begins to have memory lapses, trouble coming up with names and forgetting recent events, all of which would simply indicate stressed-out

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