
Selma Alabama Dbq Analysis

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“I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma, Alabama for the right to vote. I’m not going to stand by and let the Supreme Court take the right to vote away from us [African Americans]” –John Lewis. Within 100 years, African Americans overcame many obstacles such as paying poll taxes, passing multiple tests, and violence to be able to vote. They had to pay taxes, such as poll taxes. They also had to pass multiple tests, such as the Property and Literacy tests. Violence was also an obstacle African Americans had to face in order to vote. First of all, African Americans had to pay taxes in order to vote. For example, they had to pay poll taxes. Poll taxes are taxes assessed on an individual in order for them to vote. These poll taxes were …show more content…

Property taxes are taxes charged to people who owned property. Literacy tests are tests to determine your level of education, however, its main use was to prevent African Americans from voting. In Source 4, it states “Even worse, voters had only ten minutes to complete the three page 30 question document” (Tarter, Brent). He was talking about literacy tests, it shows that people who took the literacy test did not have enough time to complete 3 pages with 30 problems in ten minutes. Source 4 also states “The test here from Louisiana consists of questions so ambitious that no one, whatever their level of education, can divine a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to most of them” (Jones. John). This mean that this was an obstacle for African Americans because Whites could rig, or tamper, the test since there was no right or wrong answer. In addition, in Source 3, it states “In the South one hundred years ago, many states allowed only property owners to vote. Many blacks and whites has no property and could not vote” ( This was another obstacle African Americans had to face because they did not own any property, since they used to be slaves. Since they did not own any property, they could not vote. Passing tests, such as the literacy and property test, was an obstacle African Americans had to …show more content…

They had to risk many things in order to vote. For example, in Source 3, it states “Blacks who tried to vote were threatened, beaten, and killed. Their families were also harmed” ( Black people risked their own lives and their family’s so they can vote. In addition, Source 3 also states “Sometimes their [blacks] homes were burned down” ( This means that not only did Blacks risk their own lives, but they also risked their homes too. Furthermore, Source 3 also states “Often, they [blacks] lost their jobs or were thrown off their farms” ( These events were caused by Whites who did not want Blacks to vote. Blacks risked basically everything, their own lives, homes, and jobs just to be able to

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