
Self Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout one’s life we are defined by a wide multitude of aspects. We are defined by moments, by people, by society, by our parents; this is just a short snippet of the pieces of our lives that help us- and society- to define who we are. The creation of who we are begins to form from the moment we enter the world kicking and screaming, as if we are already trying to stave off the misconceptions that others will form about us. For many people, including myself, the person(s) who raise(d) you have strong roots in the origins of our attitudes, values, and beliefs. During my upbringing my parents were strong influences in how I formed who I am. From an early age they set a prime example of how I knew I would want to conduct myself in the …show more content…

However, before we were able to reach this stage there was enduring the fallout from this newfound disability in our lives. Financially, I witnessed the fallout from the massively incurring hospital bills and the stress of going from a two-income household to one-income. My sister began to help more around the house and I began to entertain myself a lot; my mother became dedicated to making sure my father was comfortable. Reflecting back on this entire experience I am now able to realize how much growing up with a father who was disabled to various extents at different time periods greatly influenced who I am today. I was able to learn and grow from this experience. I learned to help my father when he needed the help, but I also learned that sometimes you must let him do things by himself. This has proven to be an asset by teaching me the tricky skill of knowing when to offer help and when to hold back, by showing me that a disability does not define a person. The human body and brain are astounding in their coping skills and what a person can do to learn to adapt. However, that is not to say that someone should never go above and beyond in helping someone. I believe this experience is when I subconsciously realized I wanted to help people. The massive outpouring of help my family received while coping with this newfound life served as a life lesson in humanity for me. I often think of those moments of help we received when helping others. Sometimes it is

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