
Self Help Books And Their Effectiveness

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Introduction The intention of this literature review is to outline the concept definition and overview of the greater issue in communications this paper is intended to examine – self-help books and their effectiveness on those to whom they are targeted – before offering a literature review on key relevant texts from the past seven years that allows for the ongoing study of the subject answering the specific question of whether self-help books help and, if so, under what circumstances.
Concept Definition/Overview Self-help books have become an entire nonfiction genre for today’s society in which psychological science, statistics, political opinion, or basic author-created theory is presented in order to present solutions of one sort or another to understanding, preventing, acting upon, and solving some of our greatest personal, professional, political, and economic struggles depending on our needs. In virtually any facet of life that can be offered help and an opinion upon, there is a self-help book that has been written on the subject. The overview of this problem is that self-help books do not always identify proven or empirically-based, scientific solutions to issues or anything more than one author’s experience in his/her own life as to what has worked. In addition, books on self-help issues sometimes offer solutions that are impractical, impossible, or unrealistic in regard to what the target audience is capable of. For instance, Lean In, a self-help/nonfiction book

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