Introduction The intention of this literature review is to outline the concept definition and overview of the greater issue in communications this paper is intended to examine – self-help books and their effectiveness on those to whom they are targeted – before offering a literature review on key relevant texts from the past seven years that allows for the ongoing study of the subject answering the specific question of whether self-help books help and, if so, under what circumstances.
Concept Definition/Overview Self-help books have become an entire nonfiction genre for today’s society in which psychological science, statistics, political opinion, or basic author-created theory is presented in order to present solutions of one sort or another to understanding, preventing, acting upon, and solving some of our greatest personal, professional, political, and economic struggles depending on our needs. In virtually any facet of life that can be offered help and an opinion upon, there is a self-help book that has been written on the subject. The overview of this problem is that self-help books do not always identify proven or empirically-based, scientific solutions to issues or anything more than one author’s experience in his/her own life as to what has worked. In addition, books on self-help issues sometimes offer solutions that are impractical, impossible, or unrealistic in regard to what the target audience is capable of. For instance, Lean In, a self-help/nonfiction book
Judge the irony of the description on the back cover of the book as “self-help” when the book is all about how one cannot help themselves when becoming successful.
Self-help books are everywhere however what lacks are the ways to success and fulfilling your dreams from a Christian prospective. Kudos to Zander for just that! Not only is this book well written and easy to read but also with only 9 steps to reach your personal goals it is very attainable if one is willing to apply themselves to the program. I found it was very personable as Zander shared her own journey and the motivational quotes were very inspiring. The combining of mental, physical
Chapter 18 is all about doing what you enjoy, and enjoying the things you do. A person who finds himself happy in doing things that are not their preference has mastered the ability of finding a sense of meaningfulness. When I achieve my goal of become a Physical Therapist, I will definitely be enjoy what I do as a career. Another way to become my ideal self is to stop dwelling on problems. Chapter 81 is all about thinking about problems. A smart person differentiates between productive and counterproductive thinking and speaking. I try to take positive actions to prevent and solve problems. When in a positive state, i can think more clearly about problems and difficulties. I believe that it is important to not dwell on problems for too long. Being able to focus on things that are possible helps me to come up with plans to combat my
We discussed the formation of anxiety and its impact on our body with the help of 'cave man story'. We explored automatic thoughts with the help of 'thoughts cards'. Taylor learned about the 'cognitive triangle' and link between her thoughts- feelings-
Recommending a book that focuses on the individual’s main problem issues makes a person feel that no one is alone in misery. It may also help in gaining understanding and sense of control regarding the situation. Bibliotherapy is commonly used in research studies that focus on helping people who have a certain disease or any negative situation in life. According to Nir-Shfrir (2008), bibliotherapy helps to reach out people who are in a state of denial or repression. It was even proved to be effective in reducing hypochondriacal complaints, depressive complaints, and trait anxiety (Bouman, 2009). According to Walker (2014), bibliotherapy helps individuals to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, increase self-esteem and coping skills,
This book is a very sure way of get out of the routine and submerge
After reading the introduction and the first few pages of the text, I believe this book definitely opened my mind and research topic more to greater questions to ask myself and my audience.
In everyday life people experience difficulties and problems that they feel they are not able to deal with on their own and need help with. The help that people receive to overcome their problems can be in many different forms. People may receive help in an informal way, such as having a chat to a close friend or relative, who can offer support and advice or they may seek help in a more formal capacity from various helping professionals, such as counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, doctors, etc. For all of these professionals it is their
This book is required reading for many high school students in the United States and all over the world. By writing and sharing this book with others, he is responsible for reaching a diverse audience, that is reading from all over the world, with many different reasons for analyzing this piece of literature. In this book, Covey is able to provide helpful advice on how to be successful as a teenager going through many life changes, but he also manages to influence readers and convince them to change some of their everyday habits. As a teen having read this book, I can truthfully say that this author was very convincing and very helpful with providing tips to help me deal with the high stress that comes along with being a
He has experience in print and online publications on a wide range of topics in the field of health and fitness. He has over 15 years of experience in this field, and he is also a published author and editor of many books. In the same manner, Jeanne Segal is a researcher who focuses on helping people to improve socially and emotionally, thereby helping them to make use of self-help resources. She is a writer, sociologist, and psychologist. She has her PHd, and she is the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director of the HelpGuide site. These books have been published in 13 different languages. Jeanne is also the author of Feeling Loved, The Language of Emotional Intelligence, Raising Your Emotional Intelligence, Living Beyond Fear, and Feeling Great. One of her book, The Language of Emotional Intelligence was published by McGraw Hill, a reputable publishing company. By the same token, Robert Segal is the Executive Director, Editor, and Technical Director of HelpGuide. He formats the website for desktop and mobile devices so that it is able to display text and images in an organized way. He has a masters degree, and he uses his experience in engineering to deliver materials that addresses issues and bring help to individuals. The Editorial Staff of HelpGuide is made up of qualified professionals who are dedicated to the vision of the website of providing motivating and balanced self-help information for
Stephen R. Covey’s self-help book is an influential communication for personal change. He advises building from the inside-out and offers a plan for moving from dependence to independence and then to interdependence. The inside-out approach starts first with one self, which includes paradigms, characters, and motivations. To improve relationships with others, we have to first improve ourselves by putting character ahead of personality.
The first step in using a self-instructional treatment is identifying the problem (Miltenberger, 2016). The problem behavior is Chad is stealing from other co worker. In order to help Chad with his behavior, I would first say out loud “This is not mine, stealing is bad” Then I would have Chad repeat the phrase saying “This is not mine, stealing is bad” Last I would have Chad recite the behavior while attempting to steal so overtime he attempts to steal he can self instruct himself, reminding himself that stealing is bad and those things don’t belong to him.
People face obstacles every day: the unbearable coworker, federal income taxes, and tupperware with no matching lids. Pressing issues such as these already contribute enough stress to life as it is, but for some, the obstacle is themselves. Whether this be because of guilt, poor self esteem, or mental illness, it is important to realize the toxicity of this dynamic and prevent it, as it can lead to serious consequences even more daunting than those of plastic wares. Ralph Marston, the writer of The Daily Motivator, states that because of the pressures that many people face each day, it’s important to avoid this type of relationship with oneself. Despite how difficult it can be for some to do so and the failure some meet, Marston’s point holds extreme validity and could prove to be beneficial when implemented in one’s lifestyle.
Firstly, to maintain continuity, accuracy, and the integrity of my findings we must first outline what defines literature as “self-help”. Sandra K Dolby writes self-help texts are texts “offering advice and reflection on topics as diverse as how to achieve physiological well-being, how to be effective yet serene in the workplace, why the laws of physics are part of God’s plan, how to get along with your mate or with nasty bosses, how to reduce stress and eat and exercise for optimal health, how to save the plane, why to save the planet.”(2005) another quote explains “Self-help literature is an extremely popular genre which can be found in abundance at any bookstore in Western society. Figures indicate that Americans spent $563 million on self-help books in 2000 (Paul, 2001, p. 60).” Also “many people use self-help
Bibliotherapy, a remedial approach that utilizations writing to bolster great psychological well-being, is a flexible and financially savvy treatment choice frequently adjusted or used to supplement different sorts of treatment. Defenders of the approach recommend mellow to direct indications of a few state of mind related conditions can be effectively treated with perusing exercises. Both individual and gathering treatment may use this technique, which is viewed as proper for children, teenagers, and grown-ups. Emotional wellness experts may empower those in treatment and the individuals who are sitting tight for treatment to peruse for direction or self-improvement, formative purposes, to find out about psychological well-being concerns, and for the helpful advantages of inventive writing.