
Self Esteem Survey Paper

Decent Essays

Before I took the Self-Esteem survey quiz, I expected my results to fairly low. I knew I never had the best esteem, but once I started to fill in and circle the true or false answers, I was surprised to see some of my answers were more positive than others! I knew for a fact I was reclusive and sort of timid because of my lack of confidence and my own poor self-observation. However, once I saw questions like pride in work, or confidence in achieving goals, I realized I had grown and had more self-confidence than what I gave myself credit for. Personally speaking, the result of this survey was exceedingly accurate. It was correct in saying I am in the middle of low and high self esteem. I am all right with certain aspects about myself, like personality, however, when it comes to aesthetics and how others perceive me, it would be helpful to have a little push here and there. When it came to the development of my esteem, I think it went through some of its biggest development periods once I came to Temple University in the beginning of fall, 2014. …show more content…

At the time, I found myself constantly comparing myself to women in magazines like People or Cosmo. The tall lean actresses and models were always ideal, always looked content with who they are and what they did. On top of that, so many people looked up to these celebrities and their perfect Hollywood lives. I felt so inadequate compared to celebrities like Emma Watson or Olivia Wilde, that I tried to model a life style that would help aid me in my pursuit for a thin body, long curly hair, and confidence in my

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