Before I took the Self-Esteem survey quiz, I expected my results to fairly low. I knew I never had the best esteem, but once I started to fill in and circle the true or false answers, I was surprised to see some of my answers were more positive than others! I knew for a fact I was reclusive and sort of timid because of my lack of confidence and my own poor self-observation. However, once I saw questions like pride in work, or confidence in achieving goals, I realized I had grown and had more self-confidence than what I gave myself credit for. Personally speaking, the result of this survey was exceedingly accurate. It was correct in saying I am in the middle of low and high self esteem. I am all right with certain aspects about myself, like personality, however, when it comes to aesthetics and how others perceive me, it would be helpful to have a little push here and there. When it came to the development of my esteem, I think it went through some of its biggest development periods once I came to Temple University in the beginning of fall, 2014. …show more content…
At the time, I found myself constantly comparing myself to women in magazines like People or Cosmo. The tall lean actresses and models were always ideal, always looked content with who they are and what they did. On top of that, so many people looked up to these celebrities and their perfect Hollywood lives. I felt so inadequate compared to celebrities like Emma Watson or Olivia Wilde, that I tried to model a life style that would help aid me in my pursuit for a thin body, long curly hair, and confidence in my
high where i let myself think i was not nearly as perfect as the rest of the girls at school. I discovered what it meant to be self conscious. My confidence slowly faded, and i began telling myself that i could never be good enough to be a model.I let myself believe that i couldn't ever be beautiful as they were. All of the self negativity caused me to let go of my big dreams.
Low self-esteem has been an issues with many people since before the 1970’s. This issue has gradually picked up since the 70’s and has progressed 37% in the last 200
In American culture, self-esteem is a big topic of interest. The trend seems to be the higher the self-esteem, the better. We are constantly trying to bring up children who will be happy and successful in life, i.e. avoiding raising children with low self-esteem. But how is someone’s self-esteem created? Does level of self-esteem equate to the level of interpersonal success a person will have in life? Having had experienced a wide spectrum of self-esteem levels in both platonic and romantic relationships, these were questions I wished to answer. In order to set out researching, the following question was used as a guide: are people with high self-esteem likely to have more or fewer interpersonal conflicts than those with low self-esteem?
This self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965) includes 10 statements that are used to measure out self-satisfaction and self-esteem. Each item is scored on a Likert scale that ranges from 1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree). The 10 statements are divided in half with the first five being positive self-esteem statements and the other five being negative self-esteem statements. The scores were totaled and ranged from 10-40 points. The higher the score was this indicated a high self-esteem and vice versa with a low score resulting in low self-esteem.
The self-image survey was a questionnaire that asked respondents to state their current feelings on their personal self-image. This survey was based off of a simple two point scale. The number one represented yes, and number two represented no. The higher the individuals score on the questionnaire, the lower self-image someone has on themselves.
From the moment I clicked on the test I had chills because I knew that I have average self-esteem. My test results agreed with the view I have on myself. They stated that I did not have a low nor high self-esteem, but that there was room for improvement. I knew this because the way I view myself changes everyday. For example, on Thursday I felt low, but on Wednesday I felt superb about myself. I believe that I should work on improving my self-esteem because if I do then I will have better relations with the people that are closest. The results from this test got me thinking about how my self-esteem affected my personality. I took the personality test both days and to my surprise, I got two different results. The day I had high self-esteem my personality resulted to be the Loyal Friend, and the day I had low self-esteem my results showed that my personality was The Shy Worrier. I agree with these results because looking back at the past my personality shifts from day to day. For example, last Friday my mother asked me if I wanted to go to my cousin’s birthday party the next day, and I said that I was not in the mood to go to a party. The day of the party she asked me again and because I felt good I stated that I wanted to go. Now I realize that I have to work on my self-esteem because it affects major parts of who I
According to the article, “Self-Esteem Check: Too Low Or Just Right”, by Mayo Clinic Staff. The mayo clinic staff talks about how we experience, understand and promotes healthy self-esteem. Self-esteem is how a person feels about themselves and what they do. And someone with a positive will generally approach things thinking they are a good person who deserves love and support and can succeed in life. However, someone with low or negative self-esteem will predominantly think they are not good at things, don’t deserve support and that situation will work out badly for them. People who you have relationships are the ones that are close to you in you. Your thought perhaps has the biggest influence on self-esteem in your life.
So, while this study did show some areas of strength in self-awareness, it also showed that I have several areas of potential growth. . Like Julian Baggini states so eloquently in his TED talk “To the extent you have a true self, it's something that you in part discover, but in part create” (Baggini), I am still growing and creating my sense of self. As this happens, I believe I will be able to ask for, and accept, negative feedback about my personality.
“How awe – inspiring would that be? Better yet, how do we make this a reality? Low self- esteem is a part of my everyday life. I see every possible cause of low self-esteem, as well as the effects it bares on a variety of personalities.
Most people face self esteem problems at different levels. At some point in life people face this problem without realizing it. In the essay The Trouble with Self-Esteem written by Lauren Slater starts of by demonstrating a test. Self esteem test that determines whether you have a high self-esteem or low self-esteem. The question to be answered however is; what is the value and meaning of self-esteem? The trouble with self-esteem is that not everyone approaches it properly, taking a test or doing research based of a certain group of people is not the way to do so.
Middle school had to be the worst time of my life. In middle school, my self-esteem took a turn for the worst. In elementary school I was very confident, but around fifth grade and sixth grade things changed. I gained weight, so I was not as thin as I used to be and sixth grade was also the first time someone told me that I was “too dark.” My parents are of darker complexion and they have always taught me to love my skin, but at that point in life I wanted acceptance from my peers. When people began teasing me about my complexion it hurt me and it hurt even more that it came from my own people (African-Americans). I eventually began to hate my skin and myself.
The authors Richard Robins and Kali Trzesniewski wrote an article about how self-esteem changes across a persons’ life time. They speculated that in early childhood self-esteem is relatively high then begins to decline. In adolescents’ self-esteem continues to decline, until adulthood when self-esteem gradually begins to increase until around the age of sixty. When an individual hits old age self-esteem begins to decline again. The authors speculate that decline in old age is similar to the decline of self-esteem for adolescents-the rapid changes happening in their lives. For both adolescents and old people their lives begin to change in ways that weren’t apparent to them before. For adolescents and people in
Research Results. If we look at the results of self-esteem, we can see those with low acceptance had less self-esteem (M= 2.62), moderate acceptance had a moderate self-esteem (M= 2.83), and
Self-acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation, social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also unintentionally encouraged self-judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker’s presentation as she showed us how to recognize our self-worth. Confidence and self-esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest yourself of. Self-acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to pursue a life full of love and jubilance.
Most people think that peer pressure is one of the leading cause of low self-esteem ,we read about young adult going through teen issues such as bullying , fighting and many more other issues but in 2017 things have changed .Many teenagers are obsessed with social media sites such as Facebook, Snap chat, or even Instagram . these sites were either design for reconnection with lost family or friends to showing people bit a piece what you do on a day to day basis but now that’s not the case. Self -esteem is when an individual has confidence and satisfaction in themselves with the changes in how social media works in this day and age self-esteem is one of the issues it affects. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and