
Self-Care Deficit Theory

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Dorothea Orem: Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 501: Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice September 2015 Dorothea Orem: Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory The art of nursing has been around many years. Like professional medicine, nursing is an ever-changing field in health care. What we?who learn in school is just a basic foundation of this exciting field in health care. Yet, where did the basic theories of nursing come from? What is nursing theory? I will discuss what nursing theory is, along with its importance to and influence on the nursing field today. I will discuss briefly Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory and its importance to nursing today. Nursing …show more content…

Looking at the nursing metaparadigm, we find four general concepts. These concepts include person, health, environment and nursing. This metaparadigm is a general perspective of nursing discipline that identifies a particular interest in nursing and explains how nursing will deal that that interest in a unique, nursing-focused manner (McEwen & Willis, 2011). In a dissertation from Ohio State University, Wagner (1986) found that findings in the nursing metaparadigm demonstrate a general consensus over the nursing field, and that findings are a dominant force in the science of nursing practice (Wagner, 1986). Like all nursing theorists, Dorothea Orem had her own take on each part of the metaparadigm of nursing practice. Orem defineds the first part of the metaparadigm, person, as the “self-care agent”. The article continues to elaborate on self-care as the things in life that someone does to maintain their sense of well-being and steps that this same someone takes to maintain their life (Hanacharurnkul, 2009). Orem also sees people as what is known as an open system, meaning a person exchanges energy with the environment. This is done by actions taken by a person to meet their self-care demands (Hanucharurnkul, 2009). Her theory views people as having the ability to take action based off of personal, self-knowledge. Overall, she views

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