
Segregation In Schools

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The concept of integrating people with abnormalities into a “regular” atmosphere has been a topic of controversy amongst society for centuries. However, the issue still persists to this day and students are being segregated for having special needs from their “normal peers”. Students with special needs were frowned upon in society due to their abnormalities and because of this, they were also often feared because of the assumption that their condition was contagious. The effect that this had on them was that they in turn had little to no social skills, no friends, and were not educated on the same level unlike their ‘ normal’ peers their age. On the other hand, one can argue that students with special needs should be kept segregated from the other students because of their need to develop as human beings. However, this argument, while valid, is not exactly true because while it is said that they should be separated, they need …show more content…

Wayne Sailor states that even with special needs students perform better academically when put together alongside general education, however there is still segregation among the school system. Next is that when kids with special needs were segregated, they were shun from society and that sometimes they are even put in programs that would not benefit their futures and would only cause more pain than relief. This conclusion was conducted by Dr. Liza Long, whom specializes in mental behavior and illness, she asked the question of “What is the logical consequence of taking 100 students with behavioral and emotional symptoms between the ages of 12 to 21, 95% of whom are male, and putting them together in a program that will not allow them to earn a high school diploma or to learn to interact with neurotypical

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