
Segregation In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

Satisfactory Essays

A Raisin in the Sun,by Lorraine Hansberry is a rollercoaster through an African American families trials and tribulations of chicago living during the reform of segregation. Two of the main characters are Beneatha, young medical student, and Mama, strong widower and mother. Mama has lived the life of a hard working, lower class life She wants better for all of her “babies” and her late husband has just given her the power to do just that. Mama is overbearing as we see in act I when she exclaims, “what you fix for his breakfast this morning?”
Mama always claims to never meddle, but we all know the truth. She cares for her family more than she cares about herself or anyone else for that matter. Beneatha is in her twenties and wants to become

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