
Seepage Control in Earthen Dams

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Most dams in active use today exhibit seepage of one form or another. The location, rate of flow, and turbidity (clear or murky) are the critical factors when evaluating the seriousness of seepage from a dam. Seepage is the continuous movement of water from the upstream face of the dam toward its downstream face, and is a major minor problem when it comes to the life span of dams and embankments. It is a major minor problem because if controlled the affects are minor and not hazardous, but if not controlled it can become a major problem and possibly result in failures.

-Conditions of Seepage- Most dams have some seepage through or around the embankment as a result of water moving through the soil structure. If the seepage forces are …show more content…

Most failures caused by groundwater and seepage can be classified into one of two categories based on the type of soil movement that is occurring. The failures will typically develop over a relatively long period of time so there will be ample warning if routine inspections are performed. The two categories of failure include those that take place when soil particles migrate to an escape exit and cause piping or erosion failures, and those that are caused by uncontrolled seepage patterns that lead to saturation, internal flooding, excessive uplift, or excessive seepage forces.
-Controlling Seepage- Regularly scheduled monitoring and inspection is essential to detect seepage and prevent dam failure. Inspections should be made periodically throughout the year. Frequency should be based on hazard classification of the dam. Higher classified dams should be checked more common, compared to those that are lower hazard classified. At a minimum all dams should be visually inspected at least every six months, before a predicted major storm event, during or after severe rainstorms or snowmelts, and inspected weekly after construction is complete and reservoir filling is ongoing, and for at least two months after the reservoir has been filled. Dam inspections performed on a regular basis are the most economical aid a dam owner can use to assure the safety and long life of the structure while reducing liability risks. If seepage is detected on a

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