
Seeing Like A Feminist Summary

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Throughout the decades the definition and stance of feminism have varied from individual to individual. Seeing Like a Feminist, is a book written by Nivedita Menon and the focus of this work, is feminist ways of observing gendered modes of power (Menon 2012, p.X). Out of the numerous cases provided, I focus on sexual division of labor, focusing on domestic labor and how it is portrayed as a task that only women can fulfill. This case is important and powerful because domestic labor is common amongst women and unfortunately there is no protection for them due to domestic labor not being seen as a job rather as a hobby. Menon observed domestic labor in India, and analyzed how the sexual division affects employment. Observing the sexual division …show more content…

Ever since I can remember, women in the family were intended to become stay-at-home mothers, keeping charge of the house and always supporting the men. Meanwhile sacrificing all their dreams and desires in order to dedicate full time to the children and husband. As time changed and the kids grow up, the new generations treat women as their equals and both equally support each other. Referring back to the book, Menon argues that family is based on inequality and that its' function is to perpetuate private property ownership and lineage (Menon 2012, p.6). The male children are seen as valuable to their families because the family line will survive through the men, unlike with women because they are being taught that once they marry, it is their obligation to take their husband's last name or …show more content…

Eluding back to the book, Menon argued that fewer and fewer women chose to marry because they do not want their lives to just end there. At a young age, girls are being prepared to perform duties that come with being a wife, meaning that once they marry, then their goals, dreams, careers, etc. are over (Menon 2012. p.14). By challenging the rationality and assumptions that have developed as a direct response to patriarchy, there has to be laws that establish equal opportunity for women and whatever men can do women can too. As Menon says, it is not about attacking the patriarchal system directly, but rather about changing this form of thought within ourselves to put a stop to this repressive and submissive system of social

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