Security Analysis of Web-based Conferencing Platforms versus Face-to-Face Meetings Introduction Technologies are increasingly being relied on to streamline communication, collaboration and also drastically reduce costs of operations. As travel costs have continued to escalate, companies are increasingly relying on digital and Web-based forms of communication. One of the most rapidly growing continues to be the use of Web conferencing or teleconferencing. It is estimated that nearly 15 million small and medium businesses in the U.S. rely on Web conferencing on a daily basis to complete projects and build unified teams (Baez, 2012). There are nearly 25 million users of Web Conferencing solutions daily throughout the world's top 100 corporations, as these worldwide enterprises look to unify the intelligence and knowledge of their employees across departments, divisions and programs groups (Suduc, Bîzoi, Filip, 2009). Cisco has even taken Web Conferencing a step further and creating a telepresence platform that allows individuals to communicate literally as if they were in person, speaking to team rooms (Baez, 2012). While there have been many studies done on the relative merits of these systems, the most telling are the Return on Investment (ROI) analyses completed, which consistently show Web conferencing systems generate positive Return on Investment in two years or less in the majority of instances (Suduc, Bîzoi, Filip, 2009). With the economic factors so in favor of
People can overcome adversity by working hard, communicating, and never giving up. First of all, in the movie Gerry didn't like Julius being on the team and didn't like having to room with him, but they were able to overcome that and become friends by working hard together during camp and talking out their problems. They worked with people they were uncomfortable with and were able to push through that and become great friends. Similarly, in the section of “Remember the Titans” during camp when Gerry is yelling at Julius about him only worrying about himself and not protecting the rest of the team, Julius is able to tell Gerry that the other white guys on the team aren't looking out for Julius’s black friends so why should he look out for the
The portrayal of Christ has been developed throughout the centuries, and is very much influenced by the socio-political and cultural environments. The Byzantine Empire has become a great influence on the use of Christian religious art and architecture, which will be continually built upon and developed through history. Though still influenced by the Classical tradition, Christian art will evolve into a new and widespread style under the rule of Justinian and Theodora. Christ as the Good Shepherd in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, shows the development of the portrayal of Christ from a humble shepherd to a royal deity, that reflects the influence of the Byzantine Empire, and his role as a ruler over his people.
The world as we know it has changed drastically in the past three decades, we are slowly but surely morphing into a worldwide community dependent upon computer technology. More specifically we rely on the Internet heavily for everything in our day to day lives. The benefits of expediency and the convenience afforded to those who utilize information systems their business dynamics is undeniable.
This paper will review the benefits of utilizing a collaboration site, the ability to manage people and deliverables and the important features a collaboration site such as SharePoint, can bring to an organization.
With the majority of our business conducted via the web, the safety and security of Edu Corp’s website is essential. With continuous concerns regarding web security, such as fraudulent behavior, Edu Corp has established a detailed, thorough policy in order to protect both our customers and employees while conducting various tasks on Edu Corp’s official website. In 2014, a significant number of companies experienced data breaches in regards to their official websites (McGregor, 2014). With a large customer and employee base at Edu Corp, every interaction with Edu Corp’s official website must account for the safety and security of all associated with the company. At Edu Corp, we strive to provide a safe web-browsing environment for both employees and customers, in order to ensure maximum privacy and safety measures.
I exhibit untainted modesty and decorum at all times. To modify that statement so it sits in casual terms, I prefer to be well aware of the required principles and stay atop them; I am not one to waver ways away from what is expected.
It has been easier than ever to communicate internationally and that has opened a gateway to many opportunities and advantages for business. According to “ Positive Effects of Technology on Communication” by Laurel Storm, she states “ Communication between colleagues is near instantaneous” this means that whether businesses are a few rooms or a few countries apart, video conferencing allows companies to have workers scattered around the globe but still have the power to hold effective meetings and discussions. According to Mack Lemouse on “ Why the Positive Effects on Internet Use Outweighs the Bad” states “ It also means fewer business trips abroad when people can make video conferences far more easily which means more time with the family and less damage
While employees sharpen their skills, electronics components become affordable, and Internet connections readily available anywhere; companies can flourish more by utilizing the virtual office concept. This is a newer form of office solutions that coupled with perseverance, can allow for ideas and actions to formulate new methods of developing a thriving global market, high levels of generated income and new business opportunities. By maintaining a business ideology beyond the normal textbook definition and approaching business with an alliance of skilled professionals working from their home offices, it can still be “business as usual” but without the four-walls confinement. Though it can be argued that it is necessary to have employees work within a stationary office and keep the traditional “face-to-face” inter-office communications model intact. This can be a claim some validity, but only seems to stretch for truth by the necessity of maintaining four walls to keep company policy and procedures unchanged, and employees being monitored first hand.
The world is constantly changing especially in technology. Each day new software and hardware is created to accomplish tasks that were not possible before. These new software’s and hardware’s offers new problems to come with these new accomplishments. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to make their employees more efficient. Allowing employees to communicate not just in the office, but remotely is being a requirement at this day and time.
Web: A common and an interactive medium providing ease of access to the users by providing them a platform where everything is in their fists. Web provides facilities to users so that they may have the entire world on the Go and this happens specifically with when a portable smart device is being used.
Ever since the beginning of the Internet, technology has presented itself as a valuable tool for enhancing collaborative efforts among organizations. In fact, the origins of the Internet came from the need to collaborate between research and development institutions and the military (Sutton, 2004). However, as the Internet continues to evolve, recent hardware and software innovations enable collaboration at an unprecedented level. This paper will explore an example solution that can resolve some of the current collaboration challenges for a U.S. Army organization, a cost-to-benefit analysis of implementing the technology, and some of the concerns that the organization must address before and after fielding the tool.
Corporate America has changed drastically in the last 50 years. So long are the days of Mad Men, where female secretaries wait on their male counterparts hand and foot. Management does not serve the way it used to in the 1950’s. It is nearly impossible to get everyone physically into a room for a meeting when people can easily join in on the conversation from the comfort of their own home. No longer do colleagues meet at the water cooler or leave the office behind for happy hour. Computer-mediated communication systems, or internet-based technologies like Skype and Google Chats, have been the forefront of the transition into telecommunicating and virtual team building. The use of these technologies increase the range, capacity, and speed of managerial communications, as well as make the job plain and easy for teams to collaborate (Warkentin 976). Management must use new strategies to supervise and support their employees in the new digital age. Strategic planning and proper management techniques are the only way that remotely located employees can properly contribute to team building the same way as they would if they showed up to the same office building each day. Telecommunicating to work is the latest trend in corporate America. In this century, it is more common for a manager to oversee a virtual workplace, rather than walk from desk to desk, monitoring what each employee is currently working on. Technology has made this possible, but raises some concerns.
Internet based conferencing is as safe as face-to-face meetings. Web conferencing is always a secure network which provide opportunity for the participants to engage in a high quality, live, face-to-face meetings while they use their own computers for a fully internet-based interactive two way videoconferencing service. An integrated feature of web conferencing is the ability embedding into the network other fresh users or holding multi-person meetings by the subscribers. Such feature gives subscribers opportunity to be brought into a call, at the same time they all appear on the screen or projector display as they communicate as though they were next to each other around a conference table. Such an environment is always highly secured and of high quality transmission.
The rapid changes in technology have transformed the way managers carry out their work within organisations of the 21st century, making markets and organisations more interconnected than ever. Hunt (2001) discusses some changes with the introduction of the internet and intranet making communication and sharing of knowledge easier, introducing more home based work. The set up of corporate meeting rooms with satellite technology for videoconferencing has reduced face to face communication and reducing cost that would otherwise be spent on travel. (Hunt J, 2001 p8)
The Internet has also resulted in improved communication because traditionally in public and private sector workplaces, employees who attend meetings out of town would have to travel to do so. However, the use of computer networks has helped organizations decrease costs because employees no longer have to travel excessively; the large scale meetings and conferences can be conducted over the Internet and remote users can access it from wherever they are. This is made possible through the use of electronic conferencing modalities that has both audio and video capabilities. In addition, organizations can use email clients to communicate pertinent business information, as well as to send large files (Mathews, Bianchi, Perks, Healy &Wickramasekera, 2016). This too decreases overall expenditures because of the elimination of the operating costs associated with postage.