

Decent Essays

The period after the war of 1812 was the “Era of Good Feeling” which was interrupted by the issue of slavery and tariffs dividing the area of sectionalism. In the sense that a strong nationalism emerged into the Americans, however we have to take sectionalism and the event such as the panic of 1819 into consideration. The main cause of nationalism during 1815 and 1825 was the fact that the United States was becoming a much stronger nation there manufacturing the rapid northern industrialization of America favored by government officials over the south as well as disputes over slavery and bank of the US gave rise to sentiments of sectionalism while Andrew Jackson rise led to nationalism. Nationalism was inspired by the desire to unify with …show more content…

The way the slaves were poorly treated and the harsh work conditions they encountered eventually lead for them to revolt (in Document D) She wrote a letter to her cousin explaining imprisonments of people that were accused of being involved with planned slaved revolts. She wrote this letter because her cousin was from north Carolina, Anna Hayes recognizes the situation that’s going on around her and she already has information on the revolt that is suppose to occur. John Randolph receives a statement form Tomas Jefferson concerns for the geographical division in the union caused by the difference I moral of the people (document F). This shows that slavery had continue to be an issue as the people will never change they will only become more prominent. The sectionalism of north and south based on opposing viewpoints of slavery as the south viewed as a necessity while the north though it was morally wrong. On the other hand the desire for the country to be unified and connected through threw the American system cause a strong sense of nationalism amid the Americans. A growing republic makes the sendency for disunion higher stated in (Document B
) This shows Calhoun and his purpose for advocating for the creation of roads and canals to bring the republic together and to keep it from disbanding as part of Henrys clay’s American System. The decision of ruling the …show more content…

Nationalism had its moment but it didn’t really contribute to greater or more important historical events like sectionalism had. It was only because of the difference of opinions and arguing that made people decide for themselves if it was wrong or right. These opinions led to changes in reform which simply leads to static society. The events that transpired during “era of good feeling” was involve in a much larger event in American history, civil war / sectionalism led to many reform movements like education , temperance, and abolitionism jail and better treat for those who are mentally insane. Because of split society is the reason that so many of these people took shape and revolutionized

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