
Second Red Scare Impact

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They say lightning does not strike the same place twice, the First and Second Red Scare would be an exception. The First and Second Red Scare had an impact on how Americans would live their lives for years to come. One would argue that the that the first Red Scare had a greater impact on how Americans lived, but obviously it was the Second Red Scare; main reasons that the second Red Scare had a greater impact is the fact that spies had infiltrated American security stealing designs for nuclear weapons, this also proved American National security to be flawed, and Americans believed the Soviets would try to forcefully spread communism around the globe. The second Red Scare impacted how Americans lived dramatically during that age because it …show more content…

This translates to everyone is equal which is arguably the cornerstone for communism. The first Red Scare is depicted when the farm is taken over by the the pigeons who go around Willingdon and spread the ideas of Animalism. With that being said, this book is an allegory for the Soviet Union and Stalin's rise to …show more content…

Even though McCarthyism is not as gruesome as the Witch trials, it did destroy people’s reputations, they were unable to get a job, and as mentioned before, it made it so people that were accused of being communist were not accepted in

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