I am writing about this because it is a big problem right now when it really shouldn’t be. Now before I start writing I would like to say that I am not racist one bit. But why are they getting so mad over a cop killing a black man. White people haven't got mad over it because we know it was the person's fault. Also more white people are killed then there are of black.
Studies say that more black people kill other black people but that isn't mentioned. It says that 50% of people killed by cops are white and 26% are black. It also says that 90% of black homicides were killed by others black people and white on white murder was 82%. That's not that different but still proves that whites are killed by cops more often. It also shows that blacks
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It's just that whites don't care as much because we know it's stupid. But black people have been killed by cops all the time like white people have. So why do they start this know. Do they think that since there is going to be a new president that the laws are going to change. But they don’t get that it truly isn't, if anything it's just going to start something worse than it really should be. I think that if this continues for a long time it's going to lead to a second civil war, and it will be between races. I don't think they want a civil war because it will just cause more deaths, and this all started because a black man died. So why would they want more deaths. I don't get it they start this because a black man died, but wouldn't what they're doing cause more deaths. Are they mad because the first black president is not going to be president anymore. So again I say why do this. Why have riots and fights. Why can't we all just get along and be friendly. The bible says to love all, and have no hate. That doesn't sound so bad so why don't we just follow it. There is no reason for this people die every day so why start this over one death. We should just stop this and put it behind
The Civil war was not inevitable; it was the result of extremism and failures of leadership on both sides. This war was long forthcoming; we see this conflict as a nation divided or as Lincoln put it a house divided (Doc 4). It was a conflict between pro-slavery southerners and anti-slavery northerners. Both sides felt strongly about their position, leading to neither side backing down. However, this war could have been avoided through a compromise of stronger leadership and less extremism.
By 1864, Georgia was the most important state left to sustain the Confederacy’s war effort. Its factories and agriculture supplied Confederate armies throughout the South, and the city of Atlanta was at the center of Georgia’s war production and railroad network. As a junction between four railroads, Atlanta had grown to become a primary Confederate base to transport troops, supplies, and treat injured soldiers during the Civil War. For the Union, capturing Atlanta meant cutting the South’s vital railroad network and supply lines (Still). According to William Sherman, the Union general who led the Atlanta Campaign, “This city [Atlanta] has done more and contributed more to carry on and sustain the war than any other, save perhaps Richmond. We have been fighting Atlanta all the time … and now since they have been doing so much to destroy us and our Government we have to destroy them” (Still). By destroying one of the most important cogs in the
Did you know that unarmed black men are seven times more likely to die than white men? Racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, people have always seemed to have hated or feared people with a different skin color. Racism is just a part of the human nature. Trayvon Benjamin Martin was just 17 when he was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, in Sanford, Florida on February 2012. The murder of Trayvon Martin affected many people. The death of Martin was just the first of several deaths where a white person killed a black innocent person. Since the deaths weren’t stopping the #BlackLivesMatter movement began.
while cops are afraid of black people because they do retaliate. I am unsure of how to fix this problem but hopefully within time, black people will no longer feel oppressed and white cops will understand that African Americans are often just scared of the
When reading about the reconstruction era after the civil war I try to take a step back and look at their perspective and the struggles they went through. The best way to try to understand life at that time would be from the words of Houston Hartsfield Holloway, born enslaved who lived and wrote about his life at the reconstruction era "For we colored people did not know how to be free and the white people did not know how to have a free colored person about them."
War! Nobody likes it especially when it's in their own country. The union victory in the Civil war may have given 4 million slaves their freedom, but the process of re-uniting the government after the South departed from the U.S. introduced a new set of challenges. Reconstruction was America's first experiment in interracial democracy for men. It tested the central philosophies and traditions of America's society and institutions (Shmoop Editorial Team). It was also a period in U.S. history where the government tried to re-unite the southern states with the northern states.
I bet you know about the Civil War but, what about the Reconstruction time period? The Reconstruction time period was another important part of the Civil War. The reconstruction was the time period after the Civil War. The Civil War was the war against the north and the south over slavery and many other different ways of life. The Civil War pretty much smoothed out the significant differences between the north and south but, that did not mean that the north and south got along well.
Reconstruction in the south began after the Civil War. As a part of the reconstruction, freed slaves were rewarded for their loyalty to the Union by having land distributed to them. This gesture was believed to be the catalyst for allowing the newly freed men to better their lives and provide them with opportunities that they had not previously imagined. They were now considered United States citizens, and therefore, expected to benefit from all of the rights of this new citizenship. The reality, however, would prove to be not nearly as promising as the dream. Land ownership was important to their development as new citizens, as it would provide them with the opportunity to establish their own homes, and benefit from their own labor.
After the Civil War, America was in a time of turmoil. The Civil War was a dramatic experience for the entire country that was thought to bring about significant changes, but it did not. Within one year after the war, slavery had been recreated under a new name through the creation of black codes. Although changes were being made, these changes were not valid because the Southern states were resisting change in their values and beliefs. There was lots of controversy during this period of reconstruction between the Republicans of the North and the Democrats of the South surrounding the political rights and opportunities of the newly freed slaves. The recent war had hardened both sides opinions, polarizing
Every year around four hundred black people are killed by police (Lee). Most of the police officers killing these people are white. This is not a new thing, white officers killing black people has been happening for many years. The most recent killings of black people have resulted in anger from the public and many riots and protests have occurred. One death that caused many riots and protests was the death of Michael Brown. Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. In Missouri many riots occurred, as well as many riots and protests across the country. Many people are angry, they don’t think this sort of thing should be happening in 2015. To prevent more black people from getting killed by police officers, there needs to be better watch on officers, like body cameras.
Police brutality has been a major issue since slavery. In slavery people, mainly whites, were able to do anything to black people without having to deal without dealing with the consequences. Families were destroyed, people died, babies were killed, and many unknown factors still to this day that will never be known. When slavery was abolished, it did not end right away. It took several years and still is not abolished if you look at in a political way. People of power, mainly white, were not happy that a black person could be seen as equals. This is the main reason why they feel it is okay to lash out at black people. There are several major issues that are causing and epidemic in The United States. However, the main issue that seems to be the most discussed is about police brutality in the black community. “Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force well beyond what would be necessary in order to handle a situation. Police brutality can be present in a number of ways. The most obvious form of police brutality is a physical form. Police officers can use nerve gas, batons, pepper spray, and guns in order to physically intimidate or even intentionally hurt civilians. Police brutality can also take the form of false arrests, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, police corruption, racial profiling, political repression and the improper use of Tasers”
The statistics are heavy on how much blacks are killed more than any other race. This gives you the idea that this is real and its effecting African Americans who are been harmed, but the bigger problem is why aren’t the police not actually going to prison because as you know a regular citizen, would literally be going to jail but policer officers get the benefit of the dought which causes problems because when this happens no one can trust the police which can be a problem for the everyone involved.
When you turn on the news all you see is black on black crime, people fighting, brawls and everything else. But then as soon as a white person murders a black person they want the white person to be sentenced to life. It don’t make since to sentence someone to life when the black people don’t even respect their own race. But also when a black person does murder a white person they get a lot of time in prison.
Police are more likely to target a person of color than a “white” person. There’s a lot of stories that prove it is. Not many people believe that police brutality is a real thing that is happening. They say it’s made up or people are being to sensitive. I find that not true at all, it’s pretty ignorant.
One of the most lasting ethnic conflicts took place in Sri Lanka. The civil war lasted for around 27 years, which finally concluded in 2009. In Sri Lanka, 74% consists of Singhalese and 26% consists of Tamils.