
Second Chances And Last Chances In The Other Wes Moore

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The author of the book The Other Wes Moore, says to the other Wes, “I guess it's hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances.” This conversation happens while the author interviews the Other Wes in the visiting room of the prison where he’s serving a life sentence for robbery and the death of a State Trooper. What does a “second chance” mean? What is each Wes’s “last chance”? Both Weses encounter first, second, and last chances throughout their stories. However, each one uses those chances in different ways, and the ways they use those chances lead to completely different lives. Two major differences are: the Other Wes tries to change his life by going to Job Corps, but he tries to make the changes by himself without support and the second major differences Wes the author’s life changed when his mom forced him to the Military School where he developed a larger community of support (beyond his family). The author of the book The Other Wes Moore, says to the other Wes, “I guess it's hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances.” What does a “second chance” mean? What is each Wes’s “last chance”? The author Wes tells the other Wes “From everything you told me, bother of us did some pretty wrong stuff when we were younger. And both of us had second chances. But if the situation or the context where you make the decisions don’t change, then second changes don’t mean too much, huh?” (67). After Wes the author says that he and

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