
Seal Hunting Research Paper

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Canadians take pride in many things whether it is a national sport, tradition or culture. But why do Canadians turn a blind eye on Seal Hunting? Do they feel bad for the animals? Do they take seal hunting as a form of animal cruelty? Or do they just don’t want to shine a light on it because it is considered a national disgrace among many Canadians? The common practice of seal hunting in the North of Canada is important and crucial in ways because it has a traditional significance to First Nations People, is of economic importance, and is ethically scrupulous. Firstly, Seal Hunting has a long history and carries a traditional significance among First Nations People. A community who has a rich history of Seal Hunting is The Netsilik Inuit …show more content…

It provides employment for many Canadians and even First Nations People; it provides employment for around 5,000 to 6,000 northern people and families.[5] Hunting provides many people to support their families and themselves. Also, another was seal hunting is generating income into Canada is through a seal's skin, also called “seal pelts”, the income of seals pelts in Canada have also sparked over the years, with $16.5 million in 2005 and sparking to $34.1 million in 2006.[6] This contributed greatly to the Canadian economy. Seal hunting does not only affect the sealing sector but also it also affects the Canadian Fishery business. For example, on average seals consume 1.4 tons of fish per year. If the seal hunting stops and the seal population goes unchecked (The Harp Seals, which is a common species of seal in Canada has an abundant 7.4 million[7]) if the population keeps on rising the seals will consume the majority of the fish (mostly cod) and will collapse the Fishing industry because of the lack of fish in the water.[8] The annual seal hunt protects both seal population from over populating and the fishes so the seals can eat but there is enough for the fishing industry to keep

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