
Sea Stars

Decent Essays

I understand why you may think sea stars are not important, however they are a keystone species and essential in their environment. If you are not sure what a keystone species is, it is a species that has a key role in sustaining the life of other organisms in an economic system (Ferrer, 2015). Many species of the rocky intertidal communities depend upon the sea star. Sea stars feed on sea urchins, which control the population. Without sea stars all other organisms would vanish except for mussels (Phelan, 2010). A sea stars role as a keystone species is maintaining an ecosystem by eating species that quickly reproduce such as urchins and mussels. The urchin population would multiply in large amounts hurting the kelp forests that they themselves …show more content…

The reason why scientists are putting so much money into sea star research is because since June 2013 there has been evidence of a disease among the species. The sickness of a keystone species means a great deal because it will be detrimental to its surrounding species and ecosystem. Sea stars have been found to have white lesions on their body as well as detached limbs (The Verge, 2014). Although sea stars are an intimidating predator able to eat through limpets and mussels they are unable to fight this outbreak known as Sea Star Wasting Disease (SSWD). The two species of sea stars most commonly affected by this disease are the Pisaster ochraceus and the Pyncopodia helianthoides. Researchers have concluded through genetic sequencing that a virus on sea stars may be reacting with a certain bacteria on them thus causing harm to their immune system (Schrope, 2014). Another cause may be temperature of water; researches also found that a slight increase in temperature can have a negative effect on sea stars. Along with getting warmer the oceans are also becoming more acidic due to carbon dioxide …show more content…

You see Aunt Gertrude, the complete fallout of sea stars will have a domino effect on other organisms in the ocean eventually cutting into the food chain which would be a disaster once reaching us humans. Sea stars are not the only keystone species; it can be any species that sustains the life of other organisms in an environment. It is crucial to make sure these species are surviving and thriving. The loss of such an important character affects all the organisms in that environment. If we begin to loose biodiversity our planet will slowly deteriorate. More species means more growth and life on Earth. It also enables us with resources to recover more efficiently from natural disasters (Why is Biodiversity Important?). Each species relies on the next as a source of survival. The removal of a keystone species may eventually cause extinction of many other species, which would eventually result in the deterioration of our planet. Biodiversity is important to our planet for the purpose of sustaining all life on

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