
Sea Of Flames Essay Questions And Answers

Decent Essays

Q : Behind how many doors is the Sea of Flames at the museum hidden? A : The Sea of Flames is hidden behind thirteen doors.

Q : What is the curse attached to the Sea of Flames? A : The keeper of the stone will live forever, but as long as he will keep it, misfortunes will fall on all those he loves one after another in unending rain.

Q : According to the warder, how much is the diamond worth? A : The warder says that the diamond is easily worth five Eiffel Towers.

Q : Still according to the warder, why is the diamond hidden behind so many doors? A : To keep the curse from getting out.

Q : What is Jutta’s favorite thing to draw? A : Jutta’s favorite thing to draw is the city of …show more content…

A : Werner’s hair is of a snowy, milky, chalky white.

Q : True or false : Werner is oversized for his age. A : False ; Werner is undersized for his age.

Q : What is Marie-Laure’s father’s occupation? A : Marie-Laure’s father is principal locksmith for the National Museum of Natural History.

Q : What does Werner find that looks like a large spool of thread? A : A radio.

Q : Before he found one, Werner had only seen three radios in his life. Where? A : He had seen a radio through the lace curtains of an official’s house, one in a miner’s dormitory and another one in the church refectory.

11. Q : What is the first thing Werner listened to with his radio? A : Instrumental music.

12. Q : What does Marie-Laure’s father create for her every year for her birthday? A : A wooden puzzle box.

13. Q : What is inside the wooden puzzle box Marie-Laure got for her eighth birthday? A : A square of Swiss Chocolate.

14. Q : When all of the children listen to the radio, what do the girls prefer to listen to? A : The girls like musical competitions, radio gymnastics and a regular spot called Seasonal Tips for Those in

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