The rise in sea level globally is caused by many things the main ones being water added due to land ice melting in Alaska, Greenland and Antarctica due to gravitational effects which has a significant effect on the ocean. With land in the northernmost of Washington rising this causes the relative sea level to fall. However in the rest of Washington, Oregon and California the land is sinking causing relative sea level to rise. and sea water expanding from warming up. In North west America is due to different factors. One of these is the climate aspect where the most important aspect is the occurrence of major El Nino. El Nino involves the Southern Oscillation which affects the winds and ocean circulation this causes the raising of local sea level when there is a warm phase (El Nino) ad lowering of the local sea is during a cool phase (La Nina). With the seasonal variations in the directions and speeds of the shelf currents and the changing directions of the coastal winds. These processes in turn produce seasonal variations in water temperatures.
When the sea level rises, this can be due to multiple factors including climate change and subsidence. Climate change and warming reports identify that “postglacial temperature has increased 13°F in the Gulf region” (Morton 22). This is important evidence because rising temperatures coincide with rising sea levels. As sea water warms, it expands and takes up more room causing sea levels to rise. Additionally, melting glacial ice cause the rise of sea level and is due to climate warming as
“Something 's wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake. Now here 's another and another one and another one. They look like tentacles to me ... I can see the thing 's body now. It 's large, large as a bear. It glistens like wet leather. But that face, it... it ... ladies and gentlemen, it 's indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it, it 's so awful. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent. The mouth is kind of V-shaped with saliva dripping from its rimless lips that seem to quiver and pulsate"(Eidenmuller). During the golden age of radio, many people tuned their radios to the Sunday night Halloween eve radiobroadcast of Orson Welles’ adaptation of the War of the Worlds. As the sun was setting and the moon
There are two major possible explanations that can trigger a sea level to rise. First, global warming that cause melting ice in the mountain, such as mountain polar ice and glaciers ice layers, which causing water is release into the oceans. Second, as ocean temperatures rise, the warmer temperature expands and the sea level to goes up. In certain parts of the earth, particularly in low-lying stream areas, local land is sinking, in result of sea levels increase to higher ground. It is worthy of mention that this theme is actually not new and probably one of the most interesting book dedicated to this problem is the novel by Sandy Florian.
Besides the direct effect of sea level rise, coastal flooding may also be a more prevalent and severe issue. For example, “sea level rise of two feet, without any changes in storms, would more than triple the frequency of dangerous coastal flooding throughout most of the Northeast” (Horton 374). The higher seas would increase the initial level, so that the flooding level would be much greater, especially during hurricanes. Recent hurricanes have become a good example of how much damage can occur to both humans and animals. For example, much of the coastal infrastructure is in danger of damage, which can affect commerce and the public’s health and safety: “In New York State, two feet of sea level rise is estimated...To flood or render unusable 212 miles of road, 77 miles of rail, 3,647 acres of airport facilities, and 539 acres of runways” (Horton 379). This loss of infrastructure may occur in every coastal Northeast state, especially in the south. In these southern Northeast states, the land is flat, which makes them easier to inundate with water. In addition to infrastructure, transportation is also at risk, with much of the major highways (I-95) and trains (Amtrak) at risk of coastal damage (Horton 380). More affected by sea level rise, ecosystems near water may be permanently damaged in upcoming years, and according to Rob Deconto, a climate scientist at University of
The sea-level rise is due to climate change which is caused by rising ocean surface temperatures leads to more evaporation and increase in air moisture. Ocean warming also leads into coral bleaching which results into loss of structure and habitat.
According to the American Bar Association, "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has concluded that during the 20th century, sea levels rose some 5-9 inches throughout the world."(Gresham, Imwalle). This not only puts costal communities at risk of losing their homes, but also cause damage to infrastructures worth millions of dollars. The rise of sea level due to climate change has put Bay Area officials hard at work to come up with different plans on how to deal with this in the future.
Rising sea levels has two main causes, increased glacier melt and the water itself expanding as it gets warmer known as thermal expansion (U.S.). The increased heat in water that is causing glaciers to melt and the water to expand is largely due to greenhouse gas emissions (U.S.). The dependence on fossil fuels by many countries around the world means that there will be difficulties in reducing continued damage to the atmosphere from greenhouse gasses (“Causes”). Another reason that greenhouse gas emissions have had such negative effect stems from the destruction of forests, particularly those in tropical locations (“Causes”).
For many years now, scientists have believed that our climate is changing. This climate change has caused water currents up north, near Antarctica to shift leading to warm waters taking the place of the usual cold arctic waters. Warm water melts the glaciers and causes the top of the glaciers to float off into the sea, allowing the warm water to melt even more glaciers. The extra glacier melting into our sea has caused the sea levels to raise and the
The sea-level in California increased about 1.4 meter in May, 2014 and the sea-level had increased 18 centimeters from 1900 to 2005. 3The rising of the sea level would increase the danger of flood. It would also pollute the groundwater and shrink the
Change scared me. Coming to HMS for the first time as a 7th grader terrified me. As the summer came to an end, I worried about getting around the school, meeting new people, and the change in my sleeping habits and schedule. Thoughts rushed through my head about going to the Middle School for the first time. The first day of seventh grade came quick and I was ready to start a new year. My dad drove me to the front of the school and I exited the car saying good bye. I was unsure where any of my classrooms were and I only recognized a few people in my homeroom. The Middle School was far larger then I remember from the tour that ARIS provided. I wasn’t use to no recess, and the formation of the lunch lines. Going into seventh grade, I was clueless
Science is a measurement of true knowledge to the world and for some is a bragging front to show the amount of intelligence and power some countries have. Through certain aspects of science, countries can demonstrate any amount of dominance they have by demonstrating new technologies and theories. Fusion and Fission is one of the great explorations that man has discovered due to the benefits it brings to human life. The promise of fusion is enormous due to how big of an energy system it gives and it comes together by fuel that is obtained by seawater and is also mixed with lithium from the earth’s crust. Most people get Fission and Fusion confused and they figure that it is the same thing.
There is a relationship between the phases of the moon and the levels of the tides. The new moon causes the water level to rise the highest. For example, in Portland, Maine the water risen to 10.5 feet, which is the highest in July 2014 during the new moon phrase. In Pensacola, Florida, the water risen to 1.8 feet in July 2014, which is the highest in July 2014 during the new moon. Lastly, in Anchorage, Alaska, the water risen to 33 feet, which is the highest in July 2014 during the new moon. The reason for this is because the new moon causes the water level to rise the most is by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun. This causes to have spring tides that have strong and very high tides which occurs every 14 days when the Earth, the
The combination of these and other trends was an estimated average sea-level increase of 1.5mm per year between 1961 and 2003, which reached 2.4mm per year in the decade from 1993 to 2003. The decades prior to this trend showed only minor fluctuations in sea-level, suggesting that the current rate exceeds what could be caused by natural cycles. While the exact impact of rising oceans is difficult to determine, it is certain that the consequences will include some degree of flooding, integration of salt water into water tables, and a loss of land due to coastal erosion and submersion.6
The oceans have been part of the earth before mankind was even thought of. Greenhouse gas emissions are changing them for the worse. Ocean levels are rising because of the thermal expansion of warming oceans, according to IPCC, this rising can result in many floods across America (Michael). The rising of the ocean can have tragic effects on our economy, meaning that rising in water will result in less area for many shore side organisms. If that's not enough Climate Central predicts that 140-160 million houses and building will be below sea level in a century (Michael).
In the morning, the sky would turn light blue, in the afternoon a blue mixed with white, then gradually mixed with red, then dark blue at night, and finally pitch black. I saw this change of colours by gazing head high to the sky at different places.