
Sea Levels In North America

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The rise in sea level globally is caused by many things the main ones being water added due to land ice melting in Alaska, Greenland and Antarctica due to gravitational effects which has a significant effect on the ocean. With land in the northernmost of Washington rising this causes the relative sea level to fall. However in the rest of Washington, Oregon and California the land is sinking causing relative sea level to rise. and sea water expanding from warming up. In North west America is due to different factors. One of these is the climate aspect where the most important aspect is the occurrence of major El Nino. El Nino involves the Southern Oscillation which affects the winds and ocean circulation this causes the raising of local sea level when there is a warm phase (El Nino) ad lowering of the local sea is during a cool phase (La Nina). With the seasonal variations in the directions and speeds of the shelf currents and the changing directions of the coastal winds. These processes in turn produce seasonal variations in water temperatures.

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