
Scripture Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Over 33,000 Protestant denominations - I had no idea there were so many! At first glance, it would seem that the Roman Catholic authorities were right. However, when freedom is allowed and we do not persecute those who disagree with us, different perspectives naturally develop. Having different denominations is understandable, even expected, as people are free to think through the truths of Scripture. Admittedly, 33,000+ denominations is a bit excessive.

Who (or what), then, determines what Christianity is and what Christianity is not? Where does the authority to decide come from? Like having a strong foundation for a house, there needs to be a standard to discern truth from error. The early church leaders used Scripture and estab-lished …show more content…

However, if everyone is deciding for themselves right from wrong, that can lead to confusion. That is the same thing that got Adam and Eve in trouble in the Garden, they wanted to determine right and wrong for themselves, rather that submit to God’s standard of right and wrong. Everyone ends up doing what’s right in their own eyes, then defining Christianity any way they want. Individuals will claim that God speaks to them directly and that they have no need for Scripture (González p. 38).

Someone said once, “Jesus healed two blind men. With one He used mud, and with the other He didn’t use mud. Thank God it didn’t happen in our day because we’d have two denominations, the muddites and the anti-muddites.” The good news is that unity does not have to mean uni-formity, especially when uniformity is forced for the sake of unity. What ultimately defines a Christian is not what denomination one belongs to, but rather if they have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We can find unity in this. If we bicker over our doctrinal pet peeves, we most cer-tainly will be fragmented.

What is Christianity exactly? Having an objective standard that is upheld by those in authority can help define Christianity. Certain beliefs make one a Christian. Beyond that, differences in doctrinal details can be respected, and different denominations can be allowed to worship as suits their conscious. After all, the whole point of the New

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