
Screech Alternate Ending

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Screeches erupted from each and every corner of the dark green maze, leaving its occupants scared and scarred. The noises grew in ferocity and lowered in pitch, wavering between calm and deformed, octave to octave. It stopped momentarily only for the screams to reach increasingly violent levels. Stepping through the excrement, dead goldfish, and related otherworldly things, the inhabitants of the rat tunnels grew wary of their impending doom. “T-t-there’s no possible way this animal is real. It has to be the pipes, malfunctioning or something like that,” spoke the youngest of the group, Tony Delp. “Oh it’s definitely real, Delp Kelp, I’ve seen it myself.” The captain of the strike force, Stephen Giles, spoke with authority over the situation, …show more content…

I didn’t even get a good look at the damn thing the first time.” Pause for thought. “Well, let’s get down there and find it.” First, they slid down from the wave of sewage to the floor below, then, after a moment for recollection of thought, they allowed themselves to be devoured by the current. Their combat suits were able to withstand nearly any environment, save for space and the inside of an active volcano. An oxygen tank was connected to their backs, as the suggestion was made to the committee by Giles after he saw the monster drown one of his childhood friends from his previous endeavor in the sewer system. Alongside that was a propulsion mechanism, allowing for ease in their current situation. He also persuaded them to allow for ammunition that can function underwater, and in case that failed he also suggested extendable spears. Their armor included a limited range communication feature, providing them communication with each other as long as they were within two hundred feet of each other. “You’d think we would’ve seen the creature by now, right?” Daniel’s impatience always shown through, no matter what type of veil he attempted to portray. “Old man, you said you were down here, right? Where should we be

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