
Scout Finch Relationship

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You can tell the difference between kids with a father figure, and ones without. The way kids behave and act to situations can direct back to the parent at home or not at home. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the daughter of the story, Scout Finch, has an exceptional father named Atticus. His delicate words guide her and care for her. Without Scout’s loving mentor, she wouldn’t be the amazing young lady she is in the novel. Overall, A father is like a soothing, loving light, that guides you in the right direction when you stumble.
Atticus isn’t like any other parent. He deals with the hardships of being an only parent, raising two kids, and taking up the rough job of a lawyer. But that doesn’t stop him from being the caring, …show more content…

Her patience hasn’t been the greatest throughout the entire book, especially when other kids make fun of her dad for defending a black. Partway through the book a character named Cecil Jacobs agitates Scout because her dad has to defend a black man in court. Scout got so angry and short tempered that she almost beat him up for it. “Try fighting with your head for a change… it’s a good one, even if it does resist learning,” (Lee, chpt. 9, pg. 76). Atticus is trying to teach Scout how to be smarter in a tough situation. How to use her head and walk away, even if she doesn’t want to. This is a great life lesson, as many problems lately have been solved with violence instead of using each other's brain. Scout accidentally uses this tactic later on in the book when a mob goes and tries to kill Tom Robinson. “ Hey Mr. Cunningham. How’s your entailment gettin along?... Don’t you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I’m Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one time, remember,” (Lee, chpt. 15, pg. 153). Scout unintentionally changed the corruption in one man’s mind all by using her head. She made Mr. Cunningham realize that he has children, a family, a home, just like Tom Robinson. Mr. Cunningham changed his ways that night. Atticus taught Scout to use her head instead of her fists, and that is exactly what she

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