
Scout Being Empathetic

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Imagine being a youngkid always curious about the worldaround you and being clueless

about howto handle it. thats how scout feels when she is faced with prejudice for the first time in

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. im this story, scout is just starting to learn about the world.

Jem is her older brother who looks out for her and keeps her safe outside of the house Calpernia

is the housekeeper and basically their mom in many situations. Atticus is Jem and Scouts father

who is a lawyer and only wants to do what is right and prepare his kids for the life ahead of them.

in the story To Kill A Mockingbird by Haper Lee the theme is portrayed as one needs to be

empathetic to a story they don't know; this can be seen through the interaction with Scout and …show more content…

Secondly, the theme that one needs to be empathetic to a story they don't know is seen

through the aactions of Scout and Jem. Jem and Dill are trying to put together the features of Boo

so if he comes out they wont be shocked."Lets try to make him come out ," said Dill "I'd like to see

what he looks like" (lee 13). Clearly, Scout, Jem< and Dill never seen Boo and want to get him out

at night so Atticus doesn't yell at them. Another example is when Jem decides to go up to Boo

Radleys house. "Well go on," said Dill, Scout and me's right behind you" (lee 15). This obviously

shows that they aren't scared but, when the gate creeks open they all get scared and run away.

Finally, the theme that one needs to be empathetic to a story they don't know is

examined through the solution of the novel. Boo radley, became very good friends with the finch

family. Scout says, "You'd like to say goodnight to Jem, wouldn't you, Mr. Arthur? Come right in"

(Lee 277). clearl, this shows that Boo Radley didnt realized he was accepted until the three

Finches showed him that he doesnt have to be afraid. Another example is when people start

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